Mansa, 'ruler' or 'king' in Mande, was the title of the ruler of the Mali Empire. During his reign, Mali was one of the richest kingdoms of Africa, and Mansa Musa was among the richest individuals in the world. Musa went on hajj to Mecca in 1324, traveling with an enormous entourage and a vast supply of gold. Dear Viewers, Mansa Musa was the ninth mansa of the Mali Empire, which reached its territorial peak during his reign. Musa Keita, formerly known as "Mansa Musa" was an African king from the late 13th century and isconsidered the richest person to ever lived. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) His riches came from mining significant salt and gold deposits in the Mali kingdom. A concerned Musa sent about 2,000 of his men to find him before taking the throne in 1312. However, during his reign the kingdom grew far and wide with the new king annexing around 24 cities, stretching the border of the empire from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to what is now Niger in the west. Timbuktu became a major Islamic university center during the 14th century due to Mansa Musas developments. A super-powered Mansa Musa would make for quite the tale, however, at least according to history, the Mali King was not super powered-not in the conventional sense anyway. [12] He is also called Hidji Mansa Musa in oral tradition in reference to his hajj. Palumbo, Joe. The richest man in history. One of the first things he did was to divide the empire into provinces. It is painted on our black skin; greatness! 24 June, 2022. But things would not be the same for the Mali Kingdom afterwards. [51] Despite this initial awkwardness, the two rulers got along well, and exchanged gifts. However, his impact on Egypt would last for over a decade. Mansa Musa, fourteenth century emperor of the Mali Empire, is the medieval African ruler most known to the world outside Africa. Mansa Musa's success also highlights the importance of trade, which allowed his empire to amass a tremendous wealth. These people are very, very rich, but they are far from the wealthiest to have lived on this planet. When he arrived in Cairo, he would prove himself to be overly generous with his gold so much so, it is said, that his generous gift-giving would directly impact on the price of gold in Egypt. The publication of the 1375 C.E Catalan Altas portrays Mansa Musa on a golden throne with, of course, a nugget of gold and a golden staff on the other domineering over West Africa. 1. Around 60,000 men, including the entire royal court, soldiers, and 12,000 slaves accompanied the king along with a huge caravan of resources such as goats and sheep. Mansa Musas ascent to power was of pure circumstance as the incumbent, King Abu Bakr 11 got lost at sea on an expedition across the Atlantic Ocean. and 1324ish he left home and made the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. //-->