Tags: UI Components, Autosize Input / Textarea, React, React-component, Input, Autosize. textarea component for React which grows with content. react-textarea-autosize Drop-in replacement for the textarea component which automatically resizes textarea as content changes. Preview: Download Details: Author: buildo Live Demo: View The Demo Download Link: Download The Source Code Official Website: https://github.com/buildo/react-autosize-textarea License: MIT Tags: textarea react-autosize-textarea@0.4.7 vulnerabilities replacement for built-in textarea which auto resizes itself latest version. Most used react-autosize-textarea functions. Here we'll learn how to easily implement this feature in a React application. We'll start with a standard React structure. foldername, move to it using the following command. Live Examples. https://" : " http://");document.write(unescape("%3Cspan id='cnzz_stat_icon_5874717'%3E%3C/span%3E%3Cscript src='" + cnzz_protocol + "s22.cnzz.com/stat.php%3Fid%3D5874717%26online%3D1%26show%3Dline' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));(function() { $("body").attr("data-spm", "24755359"); $("head").append(""); })(); (function (d) { var t=d.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript";t.async=true;t.id="tb-beacon-aplus";t.setAttribute("exparams","category=&userid=&aplus&yunid=&yunpk=&channel=&cps=");t.src="//g.alicdn.com/alilog/mlog/aplus_v2.js";d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t);})(document); replacement for built-in textarea which auto resizes itself. A native React version of the popular jQuery Autosize! Weighs around 1.3KB (minified & gzipped). Usage. View react-autosize-textarea package health on Snyk Advisor. onChange you get the new value and scrollHeight. We will use modern React with functional components and the following hooks: useState, useEffect, and useRef. It's that easy :). ad by MUI 1.5 kB gzipped The TextareaAutosize component automatically adjust the textarea height on keyboard and window resize events. A native React version of the popular jQuery Autosize!Weighs around 1.3KB (minified & gzipped).. You can pass any prop you're allowed to . You get one by using the prop ref as shown in the example below: This module is based on the very popular autosize script written by Jack Moore. Install via NPM npm install textarea-autosize-reactjs Use import TextArea from 'texarea-autosize-reactjs'; <TextArea /> Props Same props that a normal <textarea /> TODO Tests Demos GitHub TextareaAutosize is perfectly compatible with ReactJS default one, so to get started you can simply replace any <textarea></textarea> with <TextareaAutosize></TextareaAutosize>. On average issues are closed in 101 days. A light replacement for built-in with . A textarea component for React which grows with content. Is react-textarea-autosize well maintained? This will make the textarea height equal to the height of the whole text area, effectively resizing the textarea to fit the text.