Soaps are surfactants. You mean this one? not sure what you are referring to? It kills your gut biome. any form of sodium chloride is toxic to almost all plants and soil communities. Roundup is the brand name of a systemic, broad-spectrum glyphosate-based herbicide originally produced by Monsanto, which Bayer acquired in 2018. It used to be that the consensus was tobacco was safe. Consult each label for product-specific guidance. We all have different views about safety. Thanks! It tries to say a lot but says almost nothing. You missed the mark again by citing the farm report. Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account. Reward and Scythe are contact herbicides, whereas Finale and Roundup-Pro are systemic. commitment to diversity. In reference to your article concerning glyphosate causing cancer, after I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma about 2 years ago I began researching the causes of multiple myeloma. A lot of he said and there were plans. When an article does not include a link to the research they are discussing, they can say anything they want, and it is not a reliable article. Alternative herbicides work best when applied on a hot day. Nobody is spraying Roundup on wild fields it costs money. Finale is similar to Roundup-Pro, in that it is a translocated, non-selective herbicide with no soil activity in clay soils. My advice to you is get your hands dirty and stop trying to convince people who know we can grow and eat food, just as humans did for thousands of years without products that make a few greedy people rich!!!! One thing that ins never mentioned is that herbicides including Roundup have limited effectiveness. Scythe is a non-selective contact herbicide made of naturally occurring fatty acids. The most compelling evidence it can link to for the connection of it to cancer is a weak statement by an Obstetrics organization talking about things its members dont specialize in (aka nothing about reproductive health), but USRTK throws lots of stats to make it seem very dangerous. In this way, glyphosate kills annual and perennial weeds. If anything, this paper reinforces the finding that glyphosate exposure is not associated with any increased risk of cancer at or below the ADI. One gallon of finished solution will cover around 400 square feet of area. Calling people who are genuinely concerned about their health lunatics does nothing for the debate. Be careful not to spray the mixture on plants you do not wish to kill. Ah, let me guess, Zhang et al., (2019), right? Acetic Acid Commonly known as vinegar, acetic acid affects the cell membranes of a plant and causes rapid breakdown of foliage tissue on contact. You need to create a movie documentary on this issue. You cherry-picked Samsel and Seneffs workwhich, yes, is flawedbut ignored a great number of other studies showing a link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkins lymphoma in particular. If you are on the West Coast or are looking for another alternative solution, check out Avenger. The Surfactant is included in Roundup to make sure that the Glyphosate wets the leaves well and absorbs well into the plant. Considering incorporating some of these alternatives will aide in the reduction of resistant weed populations, can be safer around ornamentals, more effective on some weed species, and make your clients more comfortable in having another option available. I cant say that I read every comment, but I didnt see anything in your article or the comments I read about the soil microflora. Including the surfactant in the discussion was simply a way to move the goalposts. The study did not reach any conclusions about glyphosates effect on our health, even though the news reported it with sensational headlines. Most large or mature plants tend to outgrow contact herbicide applications. It is formulated to deliver maximum performance and provides fast acting results on a long list of weeds and grasses, as well as most mosses and lichens. While not surprising, it is shocking to see researchers attacked because they simply did good work. The authors analyzed 6 studies as part of this work, but those studies were wildly different in terms of the power of analysis for each. Hopefully, governments will now catch up with the science. The level of weed control (or ornamental plant injury) resulting from these herbicides depends upon the chemical characteristics, mode of action of the herbicide, and the season of application. In general crop desiccation results in significantly higher herbicide residues in food than their traditional use directly on weeds. Unfortunately, they also negatively affect the gills of fish. This publication printed on: Nov. 07, 2022, Scythe (pelargonic acid) and Axxe (ammonium nonanoate). Reduced control of weeds, particularly perennial weeds, has been reported from such tank mixtures. Scythe withers plants in hours of application. Thanks. This doesnt mean that the is no data relating to its toxicity, as there have been multiple studies that fully complied with the OECD-Section 400 methods, with an overall LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Limit) of 175mg/kg/day (for review wee Griem et al. Avoid breathing spray mist. It just means they are a subject expert and got paid for their knowledge. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. One more comment please? Scientists can get it wrong and now about it, for some reason, I dont know if motivated by feeling God like, or if for lack of morals, scientists will sell their soul to the companies they work for, or simply have to because they feel their voices wont be heard(and it wont, theres too much money and power behind them) I wont unsuscribe, because in general I take everything with a grain of salt. It kills small annual weeds. Reduced translocation of Finale in rhizomes and stolons may offer advantages over Roundup-Pro in some trim and edge applications. The same applies to the member of those health organizations. In the US, civil courts abide by the jurisprudence established by In re Winship 1970, where a mere preponderance of evidence is sufficient to determine cause and effect. Active Ingredient: Pelargonic Acid 57.0%. The lunatics certainly came out of the woodwork on this one! On harder plants (or strong weeds over 6 inches in height) this herbicide will suppress or kill the new, top growth. Even as more people continue to learn about the dangers of Roundup the most used weed killer in the world this herbicide remains in heavy use in the U.S. and around the world. You cant blame that on Roundup. And it is safe enough to drink just check the facts. Glyphosate is the most widely used postemergence herbicide in landscape plantings for several reasons. In Europe that banned glyphosate in some agriculture it resulted in farmers going back to the older, more toxic technology and people were happy about it because were only biased against Roundup. I use Sunday weed killer which is a herbicidal soap but only where I cant pull or dig them. It isnt the only chemical that does this. small annual weeds), just remember that it will not have the same efficacy as a translocated herbicide on larger or more mature weeds. No. Add. With your degrees, what do you make of this statement? Bonide BurnOut Weed and Grass Killer 2.5 Gal., Concentrate. And still die of beaver fever. The emails make no indication that any of the toxicity or carcinogenicity testing to date is in error, or has been manipulated. There is no herbicide that will completely replace glyphosate due to the attributes mentioned above. So over the past few years I've been using prosecutor containing glyphosate and scythe herbicide at all my clients houses that requested weed spraying. You filter your coffee, your vacuum, and the oil in your car. The shikimate pathway is found in some bacteria that live in our gut. Scythe Herbicide works to control perennial and annual grass and broadleaf weeds, along with cryptograms and mosses. They read all of these studies and evaluate them then reach a conclusion based on the data. Please leave your own suggestion in the comments below. These are clear attempts to make this a political rant rather than a nuanced article about science and public healthan issue important to people of all political persuasions. Landscapers who learned to use Roundup around and over conifers have reported injury when Roundup-Pro was used in the same manner. One study showed that after ingesting the compound in healthy volunteers and taking urine samples for 100 hours, the slower phase half-life excretion ranged between 1833 hours. Robert, I loved this article! At some point you have to accept the results. And I am not saying you are. Your studies are lab tests done at higher levels of exposure, in very specific situations. I shall share. The disrupted tissue withers and dies, starting within minutes of treatment. Some of the positive attributes include non-selective/broad spectrum (kills many types of plants), systemic activity (travels in the vascular system, both xylem and phloem), low mammalian toxicity (relatively safe for humans), limited soil activity, non-volatile, low environmental impact, and the efficacy of the product (how well it kills weeds). A California jury awarded over $2 billion in favor of a couple with cancer, ordering Monsanto to compensate for failing to warn consumers that exposure to Roundup weed killer causes cancer. Remember, an alternative is generally going to be a contact herbicide (except for electric shock), not a systemic herbicide, which kills the entire plant by entering the vascular system. The thing is, people get an idea in their head and it sticks there, and then they gather information that confirms their previously held beliefs. = 2 x 2.5 Gal. The blowback you get is from these very people who have intimate relationships with the land and earth and they dont need Scientific evidence to prove to them what they see on a day to day basis! Naturally Im eager to keep an eye on any future research because of my own personal experience. I have not looked at that. Hello Robert. Its use chemicals or a lot of people starve. In fact, public schools use Round Up on their grounds. It also means they understand the value of genetic engineering and think the government should stay out of its development. Since you did not include mu comments, I have no idea what your referring to? None of these products have residual activity (i.e. The group that posted this has a history of notoriously bad science, and their claims were never peer reviewed or replicated. When green liberals fail to use facts to drive their agenda, it undermines our ability to actually do anything constructive, and we and our (unfounded) opinions become worse than the RU itself. With these attributes, its not hard to wonder why this product has become a mainstay in the industry. Table salt, sea salt - any form of sodium chloride is toxic to almost all plants and soil communities. Great article. Just read this publication: Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors and look at the sections of similar articles and cited by. Modern, intensive farms are almost entirely and truly monocultural in the sense of being almost devoid of weeds. Also, at what dose do we see these effects? So the study was not compliant with the new standards. But your love or hate of the company does not change the chemical properties of glyphosate. A herbicide is a pesticide and the half life is short for all pesticides. This variability reduced the ability of the methods to differentiate between treatment effects and natural population variance. They spray it on fields that are used for agriculture and the weeds will be destroyed one way or the other. Grow your on food. 1g/kg (w/v) is ridiculously high, and the authors evenake it a point to indicate that the exposure they used is extrely high, even when compared to provious studies. It does not break down, and after it kills the grass in your walk, will poison and even kill large specimen trees where their roots run under the sidewalk or treated area. Always check the label to ensure the ornamentals are labelled for over the top or directed sprays. To save everyone a mouse click or two, Ive reproduced that link here and summarized it below: Higher concentrations are needed for larger weeds. We do know that glyphosate has a short half-life in soil and it attaches to soil, which would suggest it is not a big problem. At its most permissive this means that so long as you are >50% convinced, you can find that, in this instance, glyphosate caused NHL, or other health effects. Yes that is what I did. Consequently, postemergence herbicides are often used to remove weeds. Didnt even have labels at that time. It just never seems to work good and having the soil tested, the vinegar actually kills the soil! I always look forward to your well carefully referenced articles. If you ask anyone, if a single cigarette will kill you, everyone would agree that is not true. Like you, I do always want to see the facts rather than listen to the hype but when research is lacking then Im happy to remain cautious. More private studies need to be conducted!!! Or maybe, Ive looked at the scientific evidence, and came to a scientific conclusion, based on the facts available. They are not trained to be cancer scientists and thus do not conduct research on the potential risk of cancer. In general (without specific reference to Roundup), I found the odds of a person getting multiple myeloma range from 1/132 to 1/161. As to the full formulation, the main factor are the surfactantssoap by any other name, and we do not recommend drinking dish soap. Keep emotion out of this debate. All major health organizations conclude that, even the W.H.O.. At residue levels the surfactant or glyphosate have no interaction. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status. Copyright 2022 Garden Myths | Table 2 provides guidelines for optimum doses and application timing for controlling several perennial weeds. Depending on the succession of plants you want to grow, it is counterproductive to allow them to die off. When glyphosate is ingested, almost none is absorbed into the body it just flushes through. Larger weeds with three or four leaves more are likely to survive this concentration. Is Compostable Plastic Really Compostable? How much time can they spend researching everything new being reported. The papers that I cite are from multiple countries and disciplines. Products had concentrations as high as 20 ppm (Soybeans). Like vinegar, salt is a desiccant, so it dries out leaves and stems. Figure 2. demonstrates the poor compatibility of Roundup brand glyphosate-only agricultural chemicals (labeled as 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Figure 2 below) with Enlist One herbicide with COLEX-D Technology at a rate of 2.0 pt/acre, a carrier volume of 5 GPA, and at 1 and 24 hours, respectively, compared to Roundup PowerMAX Herbicide (32 fl oz/acre), Roundup WeatherMAX Herbicide (32 fl oz . Some characteristics of each are compared in Table 1. This means that glyphosate that comes in contact . The starting point for any science is to acknowledge we dont know (or assume) the answer, so we test to see what the answer really is. did you actually read the paper in full, or just the abstract? To suggest that the science is clear on this matter is negligent, and makes your piece come across as propaganda rather than busing myths. 2) Who is USRTK? I am convinced by the fact that the global scientific community is not convinced, and I believe in science. Now what we need is for the general public to start believing the science. Electric Composters - An Eco Win or Unnecessary Appliance? By taking advantage of periods of high and low susceptibility of ornamental plants and problem weeds, you can manage many difficult problems with glyphosate. I did a search the other day, it was back the other direction. Spectracide Grass and Weed Killer, containing the active ingredient diquat, and Roundup, containing the active ingredient glyphosate, are postemergent, nonselective herbicides that are applied to weeds actively growing above the soil. In every case, they do not show any significant increase in negative health effects until the dose was far, far above the current limitwhich makes sense as we used these studies to determine that limit in the first place. Contact Organics Weed Terminators Mixing and Application Video from Contact Organics on Vimeo. The work of Semeff and Samsel is beyond flawed, its completely worthless. She became the victim of online slander and FOIA requests. I agree with David. Tank mixing Scythe with Roundup-Pro or similar systemic herbicides is not advised. 1 1 out of 5 Stars. Recently, the formulation of Roundup was changed. An incomplete article but it looks like it made some people feel good. Recently someone on FB posted a vinegar-epsom salt-dawn dishsoap weed killer recipe. Unfortunately, the Genetic Literacy Project is owned by a PR firm supported by Monsanto and Bayer. Maybe its time to give everyone a decent wage so they can buy good healthy food. At lower non toxic concentrations of Roundup and glyphosate (1ppm), the main endocrine disruption is a testosterone decrease by 35%. A man made chemical in it. The following infographic was prepared by the Genetic Literacy Project, a group promoting truth in science. Where can I find this/these products in Thailand please. But surfactants are considered safe as well, to the extent that companies dont even have to list all of the surfactants they use. And how many people do you wish to starve? You cant blame that on Roundup. There is actually a LOT of evidence, which you conveniently decided to omit completely from your article. Also, in perennial weeds the amount of systemic movement of the herbicide often depends upon the season. As mentioned above, glyphosate is translocated throughout the plant, but glufosinate is a contact herbicide that does not translocate. Two days later, those weeds are dead. I personally do not use non natural products in gardening. That is NOT science. No one listens! Do you remember what year that was? I appreciate the topic and the comments. What company would want to hide toxicity which would surely result in lawsuits, bad publicity, and tossing out all of their investment? You do not know who is carrying it. So guys, choose your carcinogen! Some studies have looked at bee behavior after exposure to glyphosate, and have reported some learning disabilities in bees. Neat! As an organic weed killer, it is made of naturally occurring fatty acids. Even this study concludes with A real cell impact of glyphosate-based herbicides residues in food, feed or in the environment has thus to be considered. Cause chemicals are a product that is made to destroy for whatever reason its made and if breath in or gotten on the skin only those who experience the use of these chemicals knows how dangerous it is to themselves after they get sick! 1 reviews. This is a hugely important set of points that need more exposure. Very rapid (within hours) burn-down of weeds. It drives me nuts seeing people wandering about their yards, unprotected spraying willy-nillyand worse, on windy days. Glyphosate is a systemic (translocated) herbicide that moves from the treated foliage to other plant parts, including the roots. We are now ordering the Ecomight product in 55 gallon drums. We as a supposedly free people should have the right to decide what goes into our own bodies whether or not its been deemed safe or not at the current moment. They are also responsible for developing weed control best management plans for a number of crops grown in Indiana and the Midwest. Tank mixing Scythe with Roundup-Pro or similar systemic herbicides is not advised. But fortunately I was taught how to evaluate something to determine if it is a fact or not. The odor can be offensive. Advantages of Scythe include lower toxicity (compared to Reward) and very rapid symptom development. If you follow the pathways, Glyphosate goes down multiple directions and one of those disrupts the function of Cortisol. The negative impact of glyphosate on soil fungi can be easily inferred from first principles, i.e. Who knows more a guy on the street listening to social media with no science background, or hundreds of experts in the field? Postemergence herbicides should be relied upon only when necessary to control weeds that have escaped your preemergence program. We really should be talking about glyphosate and not Roundup. Reduced control of weeds, particularly perennial weeds, has been reported from such tank mixtures. I just saw a report from the EU (European Community) that reviewed the science on glyphosate. al. Glyphosate is a product that is effective in many applications for your weed program, but there are alternatives. With improved absorption, Roundup-Pro has greater potential for injuring conifers than did Roundup. EcoMIGHT is the best herbicide by far. Scythe Herbicide is non-selective and controls a broad range of weeds when applied to the foliage of emerged weeds. Scythe Herbicide is also a non-systemic herbicide (will not travel to the rest of the plant or roots) or affect the soil or water and affect them in adverse ways. You might think that there is no connection but certain chemicals keep recurring in the literature. Price is a factor to consider - Ortho Ground Clear being more expensive than Roundup. This fatty acid based, non-selective contact herbicide is great for killing grass and weeds in a hurry. Harmful if inhaled. Just look at what welcomes you the moment you set foot in one of these big box stores: gallons upon gallons of Round Up. My goal in this post is not to do my usual deep dive into Roundup, but instead I want to give give readers a summary overview of the facts along with references containing more details. Did you not read the post? The AGG has also compared the outcome of the evaluation with the criteria for classification as provided in Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. indiscriminate use of glyphosate formulations may buy some short term convenience for people who dont like to pull weeds, but at what cost to long term soil health and the rest of the environment? It is really nice to see a reasonable response that is not all FOR or AGAINST. They have no evidence of the untruths they believe in and have no intension of facing reality. Roundup was originally produced by Monsanto and it contains glyphosate as its active ingredient. I dont want one company owning all the crops and having the ability to make billions from something like food. Answer why their factory employees must wear PPE equipment but it doesnt say to on the bottles? Glyphosate has been with us for 40 years or more parts per million will not harm anyone ..what is forgotten in all this is how safe the product is compared to what it replaced in farming of yesteryear.. Customers who do not wish to have pesticides applied to their properties will sometimes accept the use of soaps (such as insecticidal soaps) and may accept the use of Scythe, often considered to be a "herbicidal soap." The main disadvantage is that small amounts of spray drift can severely injure certain ornamentals. Those scientists are global as well. Large weeds will be burned but not killed. How great is the potential for injury? No one should believe the science, they should be convinced by the quality of the study. Read our In contrast, deciduous plants are more tolerant in winter and spring, while much more severe damaged results from glyphosate contact in the late summer and early fall. 2015) were conducted by labs in the UK, US, Italy, Poland, India, and Japan. Most of these studies have been doctored by Monsanto themselves to make their product seem safer. At residue levels they are just two rare molecules that move independently through the body. A&T State University. Theres a reason why my peers and I devote so much time and energy to developing methods to test for causation, and its because correlative associations rarely pan out as being causally linked.