At that time, Albania did not have a navy. Its commander-in-chief was himself; its commander General Xhemal Aranitasi; its Chief of Staff was General Gustav von Myrdacz.The army was mainly financed by Italy. [164] The Greeks, who dominated the education of Orthodox Albanians, joined the Turks in suppressing the Albanians' culture, especially Albanian-language education. Like all other Communist states, the UPSh was subjected to the rule of the Party of Labour of Albania. In 2015, the Colt M4A1 joined ARX160 as standard use alongside it. Jet fuel for these planes also began locally, with the first attempt being in 1961 when the Kuova factory produced the special kerosene for jet aircraft called TSI. In 1954, a torpedo boat unit was established on Sazan Island and a submarine unit was established in 1958. It is continued in the modern Republican Guard. It had three main Commands: the Joint Forces Command, the Joint Support Command and the Training and Doctrine Command. That time the President was "Invention of a Nationalism: Myth and Amnesia". Source: By removing the Timar system, the Sublime Porte intended to strengthen its central government and reclaim the power of the Empire which had been severely weakened due to economic and social backwardness, from the exploitative system and from the ongoing uprisings of peoples. Some sources attribute its origins to the revolts against centralization in the 1830s,[1] others to the publication of the first attempt by Naum Veqilharxhi at a standardized alphabet for Albanian in 1844,[1][22][23][6] or to the collapse of the League of Prizren during the Eastern Crisis in 1881. All men and physically fit women (except school youth or youth veterans) participated choose to join these formations on a voluntary basis. The President of Albania is the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military. [24] Albania became a full member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on 1 April 2009. By 1989, the division had an organization of five mechanized infantry regiments. Also, since 2008 four Damen Stan 4207 patrol vessels have been commissioned in the Navy, 3 of them have been constructed in Albania. [127] After months of intense fighting, the rebels were trapped and decided to escape to Montenegro. New Albanian uprisings began in Kosovo and the northern mountains in early April 1910. This helped the Rilindja movement to expand beyond the frame of Albanian-Ottoman relations, and become an international issue. Land Force is a priority unit in the structure of the Armed Forces. From 2000 to 2006 it was headed by Maj. Gen. Kostaq Karoli; from 2006 to 2008 it was led by Brig. [52] The participants wanted to return to the status quo before the start of Russo-Turkish War of 18771878. Alumni from these academies would also be purged, including the following: The following educational establishments operated in the country:[9], The equipment of the UPSh had lacked in modernization. [7], Another view is that Albanian nationalism's roots "sprouted" in the reforms of the first decades of the 19th century[8] but Albanian nationalism emerged properly in the 1830s and 1840s[9] as a romantic movement for societal reform that was initially mainly driven by Albanians publishing from abroad, and it transformed into an overt political national movement in the 1870s. [133], Ottoman representatives managed to deal with the leaders of Albanian rebels in Kosovo Vilayet and Scutari Vilayet separately, because they were not united and lacked central control. With this funding the U.S. assisted the Government of Albania with the destruction of a stockpile of chemical warfare agents left over from the communist regime (Category 1, Total amount 16.7 tons). The process of modernization of the Albanian Armed Forces is based on the short-term, middle-term and long-term objectives and priorities of their restructuring and development aiming at achieving the increase of the operational capacities. [12] An assembly was held in Berat in 1828. In May 2003, however, President Bush issued Executive Order 13304 to take additional steps with respect to the continuing, widespread, and illicit actions in the Western Balkans. It was dissolved in 1990 and retained its current form through the Albanian Armed Forces. Emerging at first through email statements and mysterious communiqus, the Albanian National Army was first dismissed as an Internet army, a virtual force with mere on-screen presence. However this new structure lasted a little more than 3 years and in April 2010 returned to its classic and current form. They found more favorable development conditions outside, in the capital of the Empire, Istanbul, Italy, other Balkan countries etc. The period is directly connected with Jorgji Panariti and Kol Idromeno, the most renowned representatives of the Albanian Renaissance. A peaked cap similar to the Chinese Type 65 was used all the way for ground personnel and naval officers until 1991, while sailor caps were used by the junior ratings of the Navy. [7] Another view is that Albanian nationalism's roots "sprouted" in the reforms of the first decades of the 19th century[8] but Albanian nationalism emerged properly in the 1830s and 1840s[9] as a romantic movement for societal reform that was initially mainly driven by Albanians publishing from a broad, and it transformed into an overt political national movement in the 1870s. After 1946 Albania became a part of the Eastern Bloc and alliance with the Soviet Union . [115][116] Montenegro held ambitions of future expansion into neighbouring Albanian-populated lands and supported a 1911 uprising by the mountain tribes against the Young Turks regime that grew into a widespread revolt. [126][127] After Ottoman troops entered the area Tocci fled the empire abandoning his activities. Assisting the community in cases of humanitarian emergencies; supporting search and rescue operations. [10] On December 20, 1912, the Conference of Ambassadors in London recognized an independent Albania within its present-day borders. [51] The League of Prizren was set under the direction of a central committee that had the power to impose taxes and raise an army. Gen. Shptim Spahiu; from 2008-August 2012 by Brig. The Albanian National Awakening (Albanian: Rilindja or Rilindja Kombtare), commonly known as the Albanian Renaissance or Albanian Revival, is a period throughout the 19th and 20th century of a cultural, political and social movement in the Albanian history where the Albanian people gathered strength to establish an independent cultural and political life as well as the country of Albania. A guards battalion of 350 was organized in Tirana. [27] Political nationalism and economic liberalism were two modern platforms that inspired many Albanian intellectuals. The treaty, however, left large areas with majority Albanian populations, notably Kosovo and western Macedonia, outside the new state and failed to solve the region's nationality problems. In 1992, the Library of Congress estimated that the ground forces had about 35,000 men, or about three-quarters of all armed forces personnel. [28] Albania started an ambitious destruction program. During all these years, Sigurimi which was the Albanian secret service during the period and was formed upon the KGB structure, was responsible for the execution, imprisonment, and deportation of more than 600 officers from the Armed Forces, by completely neutralising the Armed Forces ability to start a coup d'tat. [3][4], In 1991 the native rank system was reestablished under President Ramiz Alia. [174] After a long time struggling with obstacles coming from the Ottoman authorities, the first secular school of Albanian language was opened on the initiative of individual teachers and other intellectuals on 7 March 1887 in Korce. [176] In 1908, the Congress of Monastir was held by Albanian intellectuals in Bitola (in modern-day North Macedonia). [127] As soon as he reached Shkodr on 11 May, he issued a general proclamation which declared martial law and offered an amnesty for all rebels (except for Malsor chieftains) if they immediately return to their homes. [42][43][44], The Treaty of San Stefano triggered profound anxiety among the Albanians meanwhile, and it spurred their leaders to organize a defense of the lands they inhabited. 1.750,000+ (1980), Ndriim Karakai (12 May 1991 11 June 1991), Ndriim Karakai (11 June 1991 18 December 1991), Sami Meollari (July 1974 December 1974), Kio Mustaqi (13 October 1982 February 1991), II-Strategic Operational Units of the Army, Roundels of Albanian Air Force (19461992), This page was last edited on 19 September 2022, at 00:32. For 2022, albania is ranked 115 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual gfp review. [82][83] Frashri, who originally received a death sentence, was imprisoned until 1885 and exiled until his death seven years later. Others were sent to neighbouring provinces to secure their presence by pointing out they are "brothers." The Albanian National Army (abbreviated ANA; Albanian: Armata Kombtare Shqiptare, AKSh), is an ethnic Albanian terrorist organization in the Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo. Patrol craft included six Chinese-made Shanghai-II fast inshore gunboats and two older Soviet Kronshtadt-class patrol boats.[16]. Although the government spent a large amount of money on the various bunkers, it had little military value compared to an organised professional army, with one commentator pointing out the flaws in the project by saying, "How long could one man in each bunker hold out? A Kosovo-based Research Associate at Durham University who specializes in security matters stated in a telephone interview with the Research Directorate that the AKSh is a pan-Albanian movement that seeks to unify all Albanian-speaking territories (Research Associate 30 July 2008; AP 21 Nov. 2007) including Albania, Kosovo, southern Serbia . In 2006 it was dissolved and the Joint Force Command was established. Chaired by Britain's foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, the ambassadors' conference initially decided to create an autonomous Albania under continued Ottoman rule, but with the protection of the Great Powers. [12] On 7 April 1939, Italian troops invaded the country, and captured it in six days after weak resistance by the overwhelmed Albanian army. [136][137] Albanian soldiers and officers deserted the Ottoman military service and joined the insurgents. The Albanians' fear that the lands they inhabited would be partitioned among Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece fueled the rise of the Albanian national movement. Cooperating with other national institutions in preventing illegal trafficking, smuggling of people and conventional weapons in, Training and participating with troops in peace support missions in the framework of, Armed Forces Repair and Maintenance Centre, This page was last edited on 23 October 2022, at 01:07. According to the Albanian Constitution, the Albanian Armed Forces are charged to: protect the territorial integrity of the country, be present in areas incurring menace, assist the population in case of natural and industrial disasters and warn the dangers of military and non-military nature, protect the constitutional order as it is determined by law and participate in international operations in composition of multinational forces. The League of Prizren worked to gain autonomy for the Albanians and to thwart implementation of the Treaty of San Stefano, but not to create an independent Albania. The Albanian National Army (ANA) is a Kosovar-based terrorist organization formed in 2001. Misha, Piro. [94][95] In 1905, priest Kristo Negovani who had attained Albanian national sentiments abroad returned to his native village of Negovan and introduced the Albanian language for the first time in Orthodox liturgy. The Albanian People's Army (Albanian language: Ushtria Popullore Shqiptare, UPS ) was the army of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania from 1946 to 1990. The Albanian People's Army (Albanian: Ushtria Popullore Shqiptare, UPSh) was the national army of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania from 1946 to 1990. During the 1980s, Albania had reduced the number of infantry brigades from eight to four. They were built in every strategically feasible location, ranging from mountains to the inner workings of villages and towns. [7] In times of peace, the President's powers as Commander-in-Chief are executed through the Prime Minister and the Defence Minister.[8]. The combined (New Jersey-Albania) Military Advisor Team (MAT) deployments in support of ISAF are the ultimate product of the State Partnership Program. The Ottoman Empire tried to prevent the rise of local beys, which presented a menace to centralised power. [21], There is some debate among experts regarding when the Albanian nationalist movement should be considered to have started. Increasing the military budget was one of the most important conditions for NATO integration. The Directorate of State Security (Sigurimi) was the Albanian version of the Soviet KGB responsible for state security, intelligence and secret police. [176][168] The dictionary had been drafted 25 years before its publication and was written in the Greek alphabet. ANA; a.k.a. [10] According to the view that the Rilindja evolved in the 1870s, because of religious ties of the Albanian majority of the population with the ruling Ottomans and the lack of an Albanian state in past, nationalism was less developed and the national movement was greatly delayed among Albanians in the 19th century compared to neighbouring southeast European nations, such as the Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians and Romanians. [113][123] Ottoman forces were stopped for more than 20 days in the Agri Pass, from the Albanian forces of Shal, Shosh, Nikaj and Mrtur areas, led by Prel Tuli, Mehmet Shpendi, and Marash Delia. The Air Force of the UPSh was founded in April 1952 and consisted of 11,000 personnel. The mission of the air force was to repel the enemy at the country's borders and to defend the national airspace. Hoxha did this to give the UPSh the ability to defend the country from any external threat, especially the Yugoslav People's Army and alliances such as NATO and/or the Warsaw Pact, warning that "If we slackened our vigilance even for a moment or toned down our struggle against our enemies in the least, they would strike immediately like the snake that bites you and injects its poison before you are aware of it. [8][9], The UPSh had the following structure:[10][11], The largest branch was the ground forces, which took up three-quarters of the UPSh. The Montenegrins surrounded Scutari.[152]. "[21], Colonel Joseph Zagali, the Chief Engineer of the Albanian Ministry of Defence during the bunkerizimi period,[22] Was responsible for the creation and maintenance of the bunkers and came up with most of the designs for the structures, all of which were mostly dome-shaped. [170] In January 1870 the Commission ended its work of the standardization of the alphabet, which was mainly in Latin letters. Armoured forces consisted of one tank brigade. These troops were organised into three groups, based in Tirana, Shkodr to the north and Berat to the south. The group opposes the Ohrid Framework Agreement which ended the 2001 Macedonia conflict between insurgents of the National Liberation Army and Macedonian security forces. [62] The Albanians, the vast majority loyal to the empire, vehemently opposed the territorial losses. [110][111] In addition, the Young Turks legalized the bastinado, or beating with a stick, even for misdemeanors, banned carrying rifles, and denied the existence of an Albanian nationality. It further prohibits U.S. persons from engaging in most transactions or dealings with individuals and entities, including the Albanian National Army, designated in or pursuant to the Order. Russia backed Serbia's and Montenegro's claims to Albanian-inhabited lands. A large number of firearms were collected and many villages and properties were burned by the Ottoman army. [14] The Albanian defeat ended a planned alliance between the Albanian beys and the Bosnian nobility, who were similarly seeking autonomy. Page 24: "It is assumed that the beginning of the Albanian Revival was set by Naum Veqilharxhi's activity and his address to the Orthodox Albanians, which, along with his primer published in 1845, was the first programme document of the Albanian national movement. The Royal Albanian Army (Albanian: Ushtria Mbretrore Shqiptare) was the army of King Zogu from 1928 until 1939. [41][42], In 2007, was signed a contracts with the Damen Group for the or completing of the Albanian Naval Forces with Patrol vessels to be used to perform a number of tasks and duties, including coastal patrols, search and rescue, control and monitoring of maritime traffic, marine environment protection. [35] His work facilitated the difussion of national awareness based on the unity of kin, identity of language and traditions. . [89] The authorities strove without success to control the political situation in the empire's Albanian-populated lands, arresting suspected nationalist activists. Answer: No, the Albanian National Army (ANA) has not been designated a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. In 1951, it was transferred to the Albanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which charged it with securing the security of high-ranking state officials and performing public duties. The Albanian National Awakening (Albanian: Rilindja or Rilindja Kombtare), commonly known as the Albanian Renaissance or Albanian Revival, is a period throughout the 19th and 20th century of a cultural, political and social movement in the Albanian history where the Albanian people gathered strength to establish an independent cultural and political life as well as the country of Albania.[1][2][3]. For the newspaper, see, Zhelyazkova, Antonina (2000). The Albanian Army is mostly supported by the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, Greece, Turkey, Switzerland, Denmark and Belgium. [25][26] In that period an intellectual and merchant class with the new ideas that were emerging in Europe was shaped, empowering the existing struggle against the Ottoman rule. It also started a programme for the disposal and alienation of surplus ammunition inherited from the communist regime for 50 years. The contract envisaged the construction of 4 vessels of the Damen Stan 4207 class, which the first of them would be built in Netherlands and 3 others in the Pasha Liman naval base in Albania. (Stodiek 2006, 30-31) According to the Research Associate, persons who are at risk of harassment by the AKSh are those who are "actively involved in the reconciliation process and Serbian returns to Kosovo" (30 July 2008). [79][80] Albanians loyal to the empire supported the Sublime Porte's military intervention. Of its 30,000 officers, approximately 7,500 of them were assigned to the UPSh. [123], In 1911, the Albanian National Committee was formed. Fugitive agitators circulated across the provinces to organise further rebellions, calling on the people to prepare for war. [101][102] In July 1908, a month after a Young Turk rebellion in Macedonia supported by an Albanian uprising in Kosovo and Macedonia escalated into widespread insurrection and mutiny within the imperial army, Sultan Abdl Hamid II agreed to demands by the Young Turks to restore constitutional rule. This will be the first unit in the Albanian Armed Forces to not have the AK 47 in its inventory. Previously available only on four computers located. Britain and Germany remained neutral. As the communist regime collapsed in Albania during 1990, there was a real fear that the armed forces might intervene to halt the collapse of communism by force. [118], In 1910, due to the new centralisation policies of the Young Turk Ottoman government towards Albanians,[119] local Albanian leaders Isa Boletini and Idriz Seferi started an uprising against the Ottomans in the Kosovo vilayet. Qiriazi. [24][25], Hoxha had based the UPS's entire military doctrine on the actions of the Albanian resistance during World War II[26] and the fact that Albania was one of only two European countries which liberated itself without the direct intervention of foreign troops. All their properties were declared state-owned. [7][1], The combined strength of the UPSh by 1990 was 48,000 troops, half of which were conscripts, with over 375,000 suited for service. Executive Order 13304 blocks the assets of the Albanian National Army in the United States, or in the possession or control of U.S. persons. [58] The Congress of Berlin ignored the league's memorandum. [167][33][168] He avoided the use of Latin, Greek or Arabic alphabets and characters because of their religious associations and divisions. The infantry brigades lacked mechanization, operating only about 130 armored vehicles. From August 2012 to November 2013 it has been commanded by Maj. Gen. Zyber Dushku. After the Second World War, Albania became a Soviet-aligned country. [85][112], The Albanians refused to submit to the Young Turks' campaign to "Ottomanise" them by force. [108][109] After securing the abdication of Abdl Hamid II in April 1909, the new authorities levied taxes, outlawed guerrilla groups and nationalist societies, and attempted to extend Constantinople's control over the northern Albanian mountain men. It had shifted to fully manned units from its prior reliance on the mobilisation of reserve soldiers to flesh out a larger number of units manned at a lower level. After the World War II when the Enver Hoxha regime took power, military ranks were radically changed in looks and in naming. Enabling thus the following construction of 3 other patrol vessels in Pasha Liman Base by Albanian carpenters assisted by the experts of Damen Group. [11], After the fall of the Yanina Pashalik, the power and influence of the Albanian beys had faded. The modernization programme started before the country's North Atlantic Treaty Organization membership (on 1 April 2009) with the purchase of armaments produced by the NATO countries. [33] Some of them were only for evaluation purposes. On 4 December 1912, the Albanian Prime Minister, Ismail Qemali and his government, formed the Albanian National Army. In 2000 the Land Force included five infantry divisions with 55 brigades and 300 battalions deployed in 167 different regions of the country. [92][93] Albanian leaders meeting in Bitola during 1905 established the Secret Committee for the Liberation of Albania. [90][91] In Macedonia, where Bulgarian-, Greek-, and Serbian-backed guerrillas were fighting Ottoman authorities and one another for control, Muslim Albanians suffered attacks, and Albanian guerrilla groups retaliated. [122] On July 24, 1910, Ottoman forces entered the city of Scutari. [15] Instead of the pashalik, the vilayets of Scutari and that of Kosovo were created. [103][104] Many Albanians participated in the Young Turks uprising, hoping that it would gain their people autonomy within the empire. It consisted of the Ground Forces, the Navy and the Air Force. Each of the three available choices, the Latin, Cyrillic, and Arabic scripts, implied different political and religious orientations opposed by one or another element of the population. In 2017 the Combat Support Battalion (Batalioni Mbshtetjes s Luftimit, BML) was equipped with Hirtenberger M6 60mm and Hirtenberger M8 81mm mortars by the Austrian company Hirtenberger Defense Systems. After several major re-equipment programs, in 2001 the Albanian Armed Forces launched a 10-year reform program to become technologically advanced and fully professional by 2011. Serbia reluctantly succumbed to an ultimatum from Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy to withdraw from northern Albania. They are trained in the possession of weapons and the acquisition of military and partisan warfare tactics. In 1927 alone, the Albanian military ordered 20,000 rifles, 40 mountain guns, 120 machine guns, and other supplies from Italy.[11]. On 7 April 1939, Italian troops invaded the country, and captured it in six days after weak resistance by the . [32] The son of one merchant family, Naum Veqilharxhi, started his work to write an alphabet intended to help Albanians overcome religious and political issues in 1824 or 1825. In Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers and Bernd J. Fischer (2002). It was formed in 2001 in the Republic . [69] The congress also directed Greece and the Ottoman Empire to negotiate a solution to their border dispute. Albanian National Army.Retrieved September 21, 2022, from The People's Army used a different type of military salute to render honors to high ranking personnel. of nationalist ideas and concepts generated by ethnic Albanians that were first formed in the 19th century during the Albanian National Awakening . Albania has recently acquired 4 Eurocopter AS532 Cougar helicopters and has 2 more EC 145 on order as of 2015. [17] Albania was part of the International Stabilization Force (SFOR) serving in Bosnia (then EU mission ALTHEA), and Albanian peacekeepers are part of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, ISAF and the international stabilization force in Iraq. After two local uprisings that burst in the beginning of 1833 in Kolonj and in Dibr were repressed, uprisings occurred in Berat-Vlor-Delvin-amria area in larger scales than before. The second patrol vessel Oriku P-133 will be commissioned in September 2011, the third ship, Lisus P-133, will be operational in 2012 and fourth Butrint P-134 in 2013. [17] In 1990, the air force had 200 jets and 40 helicopters, and four Il-14 transport planes. [39] This package fitted the needs of the Albanian Armed Forces (AAF) as the process of replacing the old Soviet 7.6239mm ammunition with 5.5645mm, a task-requirement by Standardization Agreement (STANAG) of NATO allies since Albania's accession in 2009. The number of deadly air incidents involving Soviet-made MiGs began to rise despite initial Albanian efforts, all of which claimed the lives of 35 Albanian pilots from 1955 to 2005. But, at the same time and within the bosom of these insurrections, preliminary national claims started to spread. [60][61] Serbia also gained some Albanian-inhabited lands. The Albanian Joint Forces Command (AJFC) consists of the Rapid Reaction Brigade, the Commando Regiment, the Navy Brigade, the Air Brigade and the Area Support Brigade. [18] It was a government that consisted of ten members, led by Ismail Qemali until his resignation on 22 January 1914. Due to it being based on the original partisan war model of infantry, 75% of the regular forces and almost all members of the reserves were trained in infantry. The National Liberation Army (Albanian language: Ushtria lirimtare Kombtare - UK; Macedonian language: - , Osloboditelna narodna armija - ONA), also known as the Macedonian UK, was a militant organization that operated in the Republic of Macedonia in 2001 and was closely associated with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA . [29][30][31] During that time, the destruction of the Pashalik of Yanina and the growing Greek nationalist ambitions fueled reaction among the Albanian intellectual elite. The Albanian Land Force (Albanian: Forca Toksore t Republiks s Shqipris) is the land force branch of the Albanian Armed Forces. In 2007, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) reached agreement with the German company Heckler & Koch for the purchase of several weapons in limited quantities for special forces, including HK146, two variants of H&K G36, HK417, MP7, and variants of H&K USP. Land Force was established on August 29, 2000, and included military units with traditions and rich multi-year activity, spread across the territory of the Republic of Albania. Two Groups Added under Executive Order on Extremism in the Western Balkans. [58], In July 1878, the league sent a memorandum to the Great Powers at the Congress of Berlin, which was called to settle the unresolved problems of Turkish War, demanding that all Albanians be united in a single autonomous Ottoman province. [42][45] In the spring of 1878, influential Albanians in Constantinopleincluding Abdyl Frashri, one of the first political ideologues[46] of the National Revival-organized a secret committee to direct the Albanians' resistance. [12] In the 1980s, the number of infantry brigades in the ground forces was reduced from eight to four and had shifted from fully manned units to the mobilisation of reserve soldiers. [43][44][45][needs update], Coat of arms of the Albanian Armed Forces, Library of Congress Country Studies Albania, Germany will supply Albania with 12 BO-105 Helicopters, Albania-Yugoslav border incident in May 1999, International Maritime Security Construct, List of equipment of the Albanian Armed Forces, "Background of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania (Albanian)", "President's decree for the Chief of General Staff", "Albania to abolish conscription by 2010", "Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2013-2020)", "Armies of the Nations Still Huge and Costly", "CIA predicted possible war between Serbia and Albania in the 1990s InSerbia Today", "Albanian military expenditure as% of GDP", "Albania's Chemical Cache Raises Fears About Others", "Syria Stockpiled 1000 Tons of Chemicals for Weapons", "Forcat e Armatosura, struktura e re pa Komandn e Bashkuar", "The Canadian Press: Albanian army ammunition depot explodes, killing 5 and injuring 215", "How Albania Destroyed 11,000 Chinese Artillery Pieces", "Zhvillohet analiza e 300 ditve t para t puns s Ministris s Mbrojtjes", "Soldier Modernisation | Italian Digitization Steps (ITALY)", "Albania Army Bids Farewell to Kalashnikovs", "FA merr dy helikopter t rinj dhe katr mjete t blinduara", "Italy to Transfer Beretta AR70/90s to Albania -", "Antarsimi n NATO, Kodheli: Standardizimi i do elementi, parimi i puns son", "The first ship was built at Pasha Liman", "Ministry of Defence (Bosnia and Herzegovina)", "Kosovo Force (KFOR) Troop contributions", Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe,, Articles containing Albanian-language text, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from October 2021, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles with Albanian-language sources (sq), Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 October 2022, at 20:16.
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