Inter-faith marriages can take place under the Special Marriage Act although, under the Act, couples must declare their disbelief in any traditional religion (see Religious conversion, Inter-faith marriages and Personal status laws). Review of the current evidence base for population estimates by ethnic group: December 2021 Article | Released 16 December 2021 Evaluation of the current evidence base for population estimates by ethnic group produced by the Office for National Statistics. Population of Bangladesh in 2022 - 167 million or 16.78 Crores (Approx) Bangladesh. In fact, in 2021, a neighbour of Malkam D Costa was also forced to take a sleeping pill and then raped while she was alone at home. A subsequent government investigation found the Facebook photograph had been planted, most likely as a means to incite the violence. 4.1.2 The constitution outlines the following Articles concerning religious freedom: Article 2A. 71% of this was services. More women (54.9%) than men (47.4%) reported their religion as Christian; this difference was more pronounced in older age groups, with 71.4% of women aged from 60 to 69 years reporting as Christian compared with 61.3% of men the same age. Following the incident, the students rallied in front of the Brahmanbaria Press Club demanding for a law to be passed to declare Ahmadiyyas as non-Muslims.[footnote 136], 6.6.6 The SASM report 2021 outlined, According to the Ahmadiya Muslim Jamaat Bangladesh, since 1963, 13 Ahmadiyas have been killed, and since 2000, around 100 attacks on the Ahmadiya community recorded.[footnote 137], 6.7.1 The USSD IRF report 2020 noted that Marriage between members of different religious groups occurs under civil law[footnote 138] although the DFAT country report 2019 found that interfaith marriage is uncommon and is generally regarded poorly within society.[footnote 139], 6.7.2 A 2016 article published in the International Journal of Education, Culture and Society indicated that mixed marriages in Bangladesh can present problems, but the mix is not restricted to religion. Some of these lascars lived in the United Kingdom in port cities, and even married British women. Nearly all who arrived during the 2017 influx sought shelter in and around the refugee settlements of Kutupalong and Nayapara in Coxs Bazar District.[footnote 5], 3.2.3 With regard to Hindus in Bangladesh, MRGI detailed: Today, though distributed across Bangladesh, the Hindu population is particularly concentrated in the north and southwest of the country.[footnote 6], 3.2.4 The DFAT Country Information Report on Bangladesh, published 2019 (DFAT country report 2019) noted that, Most Hindus are ethnically and linguistically Bengali, and are not physically distinguishable from the majority Muslim population. Last accessed: 22 February 2022, The New Indian Express, Bangladesh Durga Puja violence vandalism continues as minorities call for hunger strike, 18 October 2021. All estimates in this release use the new LFS weighting methodology. Non-EU is the sum of Asia, the Rest of the World and the rest of Europe. Cities. The new weighting methodology calibrates to UK, EU and non-EU-born weighting populations for periods from January 2020. 56 A decade and a half later, Thandi finds the same pattern of employment: 'around 70 per cent of the Bangladeshi working population is in the catering industry, where most workers are not able to progress above the cook or waiter . Bangladesh has a GDP per capita of $4,200 as of 2017, while in United Kingdom, the GDP per capita is $44,300 as of 2017. Bangladesh - Population, female (% of total) - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the World Bank on . Last accessed: 15 December 2021, Bdnews24, Bangladesh passes Digital Security Act, 19 September 2018. When comparing data sources, users must be aware of the differences in coverage, accuracy, timing, and quality of these sources and why this can mean that they cannot be compared on a truly "like-for-like" basis. Unfortunately, we are not being able to reach them at present.[footnote 129]. 6.5.2 In August 2020, Huffington Post India provided an insight to the lives of some secular bloggers who were now living abroad having left Bangladesh, mostly in 2015, following a spate of killings of atheist writers and intellectuals by Islamists[footnote 122]. Anti-minority bias and corruption among local officials is compounded by issues of low capacity that continue to plague law enforcement institutions in many parts of the country. Section 57 of the 2013 Act states that the publishing or transmitting on a website in electronic form of any defamatory or false information is considered to be a cognizable and non-bailable offence. The 95%confidence intervalshighlight the degree of uncertainty around an estimate. "Fantastic to see an incredible array of strong and inspiring women contributing to Bangladesh's social and economic development," he said. The state religion of the Republic is Islam, but the State shall ensure equal status and equal right in the practice of the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and other religions. The sermons, preached by radical clerics, often contain inflammatory hate speech and discriminatory language towards religious minorities, which fuel an environment of fear and intolerance. However, this number has dropped exponentially since the 1960s when almost 94% of the countrys population lived in rural areas. Subject to the reweighting process our next bulletin is planned for November 2022. This study took place in the London borough of Tower Hamlets, one of the most densely populated, multiethnic and socioeconomically deprived areas in the UK, where the age adjusted prevalence of diabetes is 5.9%.9 10 The Bangladeshi population comprised 34% of the borough in 2001,11 is the largest Sylheti community outside Bangladesh9 with many . A Christian education system operates throughout Bangladesh and is open to members of all faiths. While Bangladesh has managed to achieve one of the worlds most rapid declines in infant mortality rates. 6.7.6 According to the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) an NGO advocating for secularists worldwide: While theoretically individuals could declare themselves atheist in order to marry, those belonging to the Muslim faith could face accusations of apostasy. 5.5.6 On 16 February 2021, the BBC reported on the state response to the murder of an atheist man who was murdered for his beliefs: A court in Bangladesh has sentenced five men to death and one to life in jail for hacking a secular blogger to death six years ago in Dhaka. 6.2.17 In October 2021, Asia News reported that following the violence during Durga Puja: Hindus, Buddhists and Christians took part in a hunger strike in solidarity with the Hindu community which recently came under attack from Muslim radicals. Christians living in and around Dhaka are not easily distinguishable from other Bengalis, although many Catholics have identifiable surnames (often of Portuguese origin).[footnote 9], 3.2.7 MRGI noted, with specific reference to Buddhists, Bangladeshs Buddhists, who represent less than 1 per cent of the national population, are mostly concentrated in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and northern areas of the country.[footnote 10], 3.2.8 In June 2017, the Dhaka Tribune, a Bangladeshi news source, reported that the Ahmadi community can be found in Bakshibazar in Dhaka 10,000 Ahmadis living in Brahmanbaria. Initial media reports suggested Islamists had incited the violence by alleging a Hindu had posted on Facebook an edited photograph of a Hindu deity seated atop the Kaaba in Mecca. As long as the stipulation of declaring non-belief exists as a precondition to resorting to the Special Marriage Act, then the Act does not provide in reality the option of a civil marriage open to everyone who would like to make use of it, for instance, in order to overcome obstacles for certain interreligious marriage constellations within the current system of personal status laws.[footnote 143] (see Personal status laws). (See also State treatment Atheists and Societal treatment Atheists for more information on treatment of those accused of blasphemy). While the current AL Cabinet has Hindu members, the overall level of Hindu political representation remains low and Hindu community groups have campaigned for reserved seats in parliament[footnote 39]. Bangladesh is the tenth most densely populated country in the world. 2.4.35 In general, Buddhists are able to express and practice their faith freely throughout Bangladesh without facing societal restrictions (see Societal treatment and inter-religious relations Buddhists). In the past, authorities used the act to seize property abandoned by minority religious groups, especially Hindus, who fled the country, particularly following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965[footnote 75]. The survey is open until 25 November 2022. 2.5.1 Where the persons fear is of persecution and/or serious harm by the state, they will not be able to avail themselves of the protection of the authorities. Last accessed: 24 February 2022, The South Asia Collective, South Asia State of Minorities Report 2021: Hate Speech Against Minorities, December 2021. Under the ordinance, a widow receives one-eighth of her husbands estate if she is his only wife, and the remainder is divided among the children; each female child receives half the share of each male child. Last accessed: 27 November 2021, Bangladesh Post, Who stands by religious minorities in Bangladesh? 24 October 2021. As per the UK Census of 2011, Total Indian Population in the United Kingdom is 1,451,862 ( 14.51 Lakhs). (see also State treatment Ahmadis for further information on the state response to the incident). 6.3.2 The IHEU noted: Violence against Buddhists has increased in recent years. Furthermore, in October 2021, a 17-year-old Hindu girl was arrested under the DSA in Dinajpur over a Facebook post and could be sentenced up to 7 years in prison if convicted. These charges against him remain outstanding. Additionally, we assess each estimate's critical value (or coefficient of variance (CV)) and colour code the estimates in the data available to be downloaded. Mid-year Population estimates for the UK (MYEs) are official statistics that are based on census data and are updated annually to account for estimates of population change each year, including natural change (births minus deaths) and net migration (the difference between long-term moves into and out of the UK or local areas). Last accessed: 12 December 2021, Open Doors UK, Bangladesh, undated. According to local press accounts, Jewel and a companion visited a mosque while away from his hometown, and while viewing the mosques Quran and Hadith, the Quran fell to the ground. The constitution stipulates that no one attending any educational institution shall be required to receive instruction in, or participate in ceremonies or worship pertaining to, a religion to which they do not belong (see Legal context and State treatment - Overview). 4.2.4 The USSD IRF report 2020 further outlined: The code regulating prisons allows for observance of religious commemorations by prisoners, including access to extra food on feast days or permission to fast for religious reasons. 2.4.11 In general, Hindus are able to express and practise their faith freely throughout Bangladesh, including at established temples. Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration 6.2.14 On 18 October 2021, The New Indian Express, an Indian daily newspaper, also reported on violence perpetrated by Muslims against Hindus during the Durga Puja and the police response: A Hindu temple has been vandalised in Bangladesh in a fresh case of communal unrest amidst days of violence unleashed by unidentified Muslim bigots who attacked the minority communitys places of worship during the Durga Puja celebrations over alleged blasphemy, prompting a minority group to announce a countrywide hunger strike, media reports said on Sunday. 6.1.9 Freedom Houses Freedom in the World annual report on political rights and civil liberties, published 3 March 2021, outlined: Members of minority groupsincluding Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, and Shiite and Ahmadiyya Muslimsface harassment and violence, including mob violence against their houses of worship. Unfortunately, the rate of deaths in newborns is still high and as many as 1.7 million children are engaged in child labor. Thirty-five percent of the countrys rural population lives under the international poverty of $1.90 per day while the other 27% of the population is considered moderately poor. Sometimes, even the offspring of converts can be ostracized, generations after the conversion. The CV is the ratio between the standard error of the estimate and the estimate itself and it gives indication of the variability and accuracy of the estimate. Christians are able to access state schools, hospitals and other services. The idea is that students receive education in their own respective religions, which is to be taught by teachers who themselves profess the same religions. Apostasy from Islam and blasphemy against Islam therefore remain (and have always remained) unacceptable.[footnote 42]. Professor of Law, Javaid Rehman, who investigated the uses and abuses of certain interpretations of Sharia law and the Quran, wrote in a 2010 publication: Apostasy (also known as Ridda) occurs when a Muslim (by his words or actions) renounces and rejects Islam. While the Enemy Property Act historically used to strip Hindus of their property has been repealed. The peak of the population in absolute numbers in Bangladesh is expected to happen in 2061 and to be 206,906,006 if we consider the 1950-2100 timespan. We are transforming our migration statistics, making use of all available data to provide a richer and deeper understanding of migration. Witnesses report that Ahmadi homes nearby were also targeted. 2.4.14 Buddhists are a small minority (under 1% of the population) in Bangladesh, with most Buddhists being indigenous people living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), a group of districts within the Chittagong Division in south eastern Bangladesh, bordering India and Myanmar. This publication is available at If the CV is less than or equal to 5%, the estimate is precise. See methodology for more detail. What will be the population of Bangladesh in 2050? These population projections predated the coronavirus pandemic and are not able to reflect the demographic and structural impact the UK is facing. 2.4.41 Christians in Bangladesh may face instances of societal discrimination but in general, the level of societal treatment is not sufficiently serious by its nature and/or repetition, or by an accumulation of various measures, to amount to persecution or serious harm. BANGLADESH. Private schools do not have this requirement. The local authority with the highest percentage of non-UK-born residents was Kensington and Chelsea (53%). A new weighting methodology has been introduced, which calibrates to UK, EU and non-EU-born populations for periods from January 2020. Most recently, in August 2017, approximately 740,000 Rohingya fleeing violence in Burma took refuge in the country. Each case must be considered on its own facts and merits. We are publishing these estimates for the first time to provide a more timely picture of the population between censuses and allow for user feedback. 4.1.3 The United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief undertook a visit to Bangladesh from 31 August to 9 September 2015. Soon after her recorded performance was uploaded on YouTube, she started receiving death threats on her mobile phone In the following 10 months, the authorities lodged four separate cases against Rita Dewan filed by four different individuals under the Digital Security Act and Bangladeshs Penal Code. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Estimates by ethnic group and religion are more timely than the standard source of the 2011 Census. For example, within the higher-level White ethnic group, an estimated 78.4% of the population identified as White British, with Other White the next most common ethnic group at 5.8% in 2019. Hindu men may have multiple wives. Moreover, the UK student visa fees 2022 in Bangladeshi Tika for dependants are also 41,625. While this is a possible response in the Annual Population Survey (APS), because of a difference in the mode of data collection it is only available if a spontaneous refusal is given by the respondent, which means it is present for a much smaller proportion of respondents (around 0.25% at the England and Wales level). The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic introduced new challenges in how we produce our population and migration statistics. Civil courts must approve divorces. apply. 5.1.4 The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Bangladesh report published May 2020 outlined the governments attempts to tackle religious extremism: The Bangladeshi government, concerned by the rise of religious extremism and continuing violent attacks against religious minorities, has increased its attention to this problem at the national level. Witnesses report that Ahmadi homes nearby were also targeted. Show by. These differences have been explained in more detail in the blog Are there really 6m EU citizens living in the UK? However, she could still face up to 10 years imprisonment along with a fine of up to 17,600 if convicted of the DSA offence. 2.4.40 Christians are affected by land seizures, which have also been a factor in some attacks (see Societal treatment and inter-religious relations Christians and Land appropriation). He lives in hiding following threats to his life.[footnote 63]. He said police had stepped up security so local Buddhists, who have been established for centuries, dont feel panicked. Thousands of supporters of a hardline Islamist group staged protests in the border town of Coxs Bazar after Friday prayers, calling on Myanmar to halt what they called the genocide of the Rohingya - who are in the minority in Myanmar. Two months have passed but we havent seen any charges formally pressed. Last accessed 10 January 2022, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, The Future of Liberal Democracy in Bangladesh after the COVID-19, page 6, April 2021. Bangladesh immigration statistics for 2005 was 1,166,700.00, a 18.1% increasefrom 2000. Hindus are historically affected by land appropriation through the Vested Property Act which allowed the government to confiscate property from persons it deems as an enemy of the state. Buddhists, who mainly reside in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the north of the country. He said that additional police force had been deployed in the area and a search had been launched to track down the miscreants. The United Kingdom's total population was 68.35 million in January 2022.. Data show that the UK's population increased by 306 thousand (+0.4 percent) between 2021 and 2022.. 50.6 percent of the United Kingdom's population is female, while 49.4 percent of the population is male.. At the start of 2022, 84.4 percent of the United Kingdom's . One impact has been that the sample sizeof the APShasbecome smaller, which leads to more variabilityin the estimates. A number of new cases are being processed. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Police arrested more than 50 in the wake of the attack, and the government pledged to compensate those affected.[footnote 93], 6.2.5 The USSD IRF report 2020 outlined: In June [2020], the Bangladesh chapter of the World Hindu Federation released a press statement detailing a series of 30 incidents against Hindus in May. The estimates in this release are based on data from the Annual Population Survey (APS), which comprises the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and sample boosts in England, Wales and Scotland. Data below UK, EU and non-EU level should be treated with caution and not be compared with previous years. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is also undergoing a transformation to make further improvements to labour market statistics to improve quality, granularity and timeliness. This is indicated by a larger coefficient of variation (see Section 6 for more information on measuring uncertainty). They will offer special prayers, illuminate churches and install makeshift Christmas trees at homes and places of worship and missions across the country. Bangladesh immigration statistics for 2000 was 987,853.00, a 5.68% increasefrom 1995. Qatar Growth Rate Qatar Population 2022 (Live) Show Source On 6 April 2013, for instance, demonstrations staged by the group Hefazat-e-Islam saw at least half a million supporters take to the streets in Dhaka with a series of demands that included hanging of atheist bloggers, the imposition of an anti-blasphemy law with the death penalty and the designation of Ahmadis as non-Muslims. We plan to further develop the estimates in 2022 as Census 2021 data become available, with the aim of removing the Experimental Statistics label in 2023. Therefore, population growth for non-UK-born and non-British nationals from the APS beyond June 2021 will not represent real changes until the data issue with the MWS is fixed. The onus is on the person to demonstrate otherwise. Police official Ershadul Alam said they were investigating the incident. He was the eldest member of the local Catholic community. If you would like to comment on this note, please email the Country Policy and Information Team. However, Atheists and people accused of hurting religious sentiment who are open about their beliefs are unlikely to be afforded effective protection. The reports allege that the groups convince parents to relinquish custody of their children by claiming they will provide the children with a higher quality of education and lifestyle in Dhaka and other developed cities. 3.1.2 The United States Department of State International Religious Freedom Report: Bangladesh, covering events in 2020 and published 12 May 2021 (USSD IRF 2020 report) noted that: According to the 2013 government census, the most recent official data available, Sunni Muslims constitute 89 percent of the population and Hindus 10 percent.
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