Whereas weak TRI centres in preserving the formal relations among elements within a mathematical structure (preserving its space of solutions), strong TRI takes also into account the preservation of the ontological content. ( But, after enough time has lapsed (say, 109 years), the stochastic dynamics also tells us that the quantum system is to undergo a collapse, which will localize the system in the physical space, n=x|xk. D. Giulini, & A. Grobardt The Schrodinger-Newton equation as a non-relativistic limit of self-gravitating Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields, Class. R. Gambini, R.A. Porto & J. Pullin, Realistic clocks, universal decoherence and the black hole information paradox Phys. x Fiz. 10The frequency of a collapse for a single, isolated particle is of the order of 10-16s-1, 11The width of the multiplying Gaussian curve is of the order of 10-7 306, 012034 (2011). C78(7), 556 (2018); arXiv:1711.01509 [gr-qc]. In taking GRW with a matter-density field . = {\displaystyle N} t In different versions, temporal primitivism can be related to the structure of spacetime (see, for instance, Tim Maudlins view on time [35, 36] John Earmans Time Direction Heresy [13], Olimpia Lombardi and Mario Castagninos global, geometrical approach 2009, and Cristian Lopez and Michael Esfelds relational primitivism 2022). x Farr [18] correctly notes that this argument is similar to the one of Russell [52]: whereas Russell relies on TRI to make a case against causation as an ontological feature, the argument employed here relies on TRI to make a case against temporal primitivism. Constraints on inflation Planck Collaboration (Y. Akrami et al. 2 The fundamental dynamical equation in GRW is a linear stochastic evolution for the quantum state (see [19].12 In the Stranovich form, the dynamical equation is. ^ ( In the rest of the paper, I will exclusively focus on temporal primitivism in its dynamical version, dynamical temporal primitivism. Hutchison, K.: Temporal asymmetry in classical mechanics. Michael Esfeld and Christian Sachse have also argued that GRW is the right sort of theory to explain the origin of the directionality of time: This interpretation is in the position to explain the origin of the direction of time. R. Tumulka, A relativistic version of the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber model, J. Stat. [16], where the energy stored in the inflaton field is transferred to ordinary components of the hot Big Bang universe. G. Len, L. Kraiselburd, & S. J. Landau, Primordial gravitational waves and the collapse of the wave function, Phys. However, this way to pose the problem of the direction of time may be a bit narrow. Amending the Schrdinger equation with a stochastic term as GRW does in order to account for state reductions has not only the consequence that the dynamics is indeterministic, but also that it is not time-reversal invariant. N N How N 2 For a discussion see for instance We introduce the center of mass ( However, temporal primitivism does not need to be identified with dynamical temporal primitivism. This inequivalence between ontological content would then be a way to distinguish between the past-to-future and the future-to-past directions of time. Rev. Short description: Theory to explain why and how quantum measurements always give definite outcomes ) C [71]. {\displaystyle {\hat {Q}}} In general, this has led to deflate the relevance of arguments based on time-reversal invariance in discussing the direction of time in physics (see [1, 33, 59], or to defend temporal primitivism on different grounds (see [35]. ) = We will make use of the generic term collapse to include both the situations above, as well as possible considerations where the reduction of the quantum state is meant to be triggered by measurements, interaction with measuring apparatuses or observers as in the Copenhagen or Von Neumanns approaches. e But I fail to see how this can likely be true or at least it should be easy to test if it was true: Consider the double-split experiment. According to my view, that a theory be weakly TRI means that it can work equivalently well both with +t and -t. A violation of weak TRI means, by definition, that a dynamical law will only work either +t or -t, but not with both. ^ J. Mod. D2, 171 (1993); M. Castagnino & O. Lombardi, The Selfinduced approach to decoherence in cosmology, Int. E. Schrodinger Introduction I have borrowed the title of a characteristic paper by Schrodinger. One reference I found: Killer Collapse: i All these statements are clearly inequivalent to say different things is not the same as to say nothing. The approach is similar to the Copenhagen interpretation, but more firmly objective. 125, 821 (2006). In the literature, non-primitivism has been widely supported since most (if not all) our fundamental dynamical laws are time-reversal invariant. Received 2022 Apr 28; Accepted 2022 Sep 15. In fact, this assumption can look a bit ad hoc since the epistemic nature of the wave-function is crucial to eliminate some asymmetries in the models that Bedingham and Maroney analyze. Barvinsky et al. x For empirical adequacy, it does it satisfactorily well; but for more substantial issues it delivers an unacceptable picture of what the world is like if the theory is taken to be (approximately) true. An early exploration of the possible consequences of the kind of correlations that naturally emerge include possible modifications in the part of the spectrum that refers to the very large angular scales One of the consequences of this argument is not only that the direction of time is derivative or emergent, but that its nature must be explained by non-dynamical features, as asymmetric boundary conditions. x In the same time interval, there is a probability Rev. Rev. d a This research was partially funded by the SNSF (Switzerland), by the Universit de Lausanne, and by the grant ID# 61785 from the John Templeton Foundation. 2 Universit de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, Spontaneous Collapse Theories and Temporal Primitivism about Times Direction. A sudden-onset collapsed lung is medically known as a spontaneous pneumothorax. One thus has (in one dimension). So, we need some clarification on all these points. Frank Arntzenius [3], in the same line, claims: Thus, if one believes in some orthodox collapse version of quantum mechanics, or one of the more recent Pearle-GRW type collapse, one has reason to believe that time has an objective direction. Jurez-Aubry, B.S. i D91(10), 105012 (2015); arXiv:1412.6723 [quant-ph]. Objective-collapse theories, also known as models of spontaneous wave function collapse or dynamical reduction models, [1] [2] are proposed solutions to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. 1 interpretation as well (as it is the limit of very large collapse times), otherwise what is the problem with it ? i {\displaystyle \sigma \gg r_{C}} ) 2 M Thus, time reversal does preserve the space of solutions of spontaneous collapse theories. After all, the nature of the temporal asymmetry would boil down to stochasticity, both in the classical and quantum regime. In: Allori, V., Bassi, A., Drr, D., Zanghi, N. (eds) Do Wave Functions Jump? The argument is that, even if the situation was not exactly homogeneous and isotropic at the classical level, and the state of the quantum field was not exactly the vacuum, the inflationary process itself would drive relatively a broad set of initial conditions towards precisely such homogeneous and isotropic stage for the space-time metric and the quantum state of all fields towards the vacuum. Tumulka R. A relativistic version of the GhirardiRiminiWeber model. However, it would be utterly erroneous to argue that crises will spontaneously lead capitalism to its destruction. Department of Philosophy, Northern Illinois University, Naperville, IL, USA, Department of Physics, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, Mathematisches Institut, LMU, Munich, Germany, Dipartimento di Fisica INFN-Sezion, Universit di Genova, Genoa, Italy, Sudarsky, D. (2021). 8This manoeuvre could look a bit ad hoc, but it is not so. {\displaystyle \Lambda =10^{7}\,\mathrm {s} ^{-1}} Times direction, Collapse theories, Primitivism, Time-reversal invariance, Quantum mechanics. Neither does the GRW dynamics predict that the probability of undergoing a spontaneous localization is to be different depending on the chosen temporal direction. Gisin, N.: Quantum measurements and stochastic processes. E. Harrison, Fluctuations at the Threshold of Classical Cosmology, Phys. Phys. What is the difference between {\displaystyle {\frac {d}{dt}}\rho _{\mathrm {CM} }(t)=-{\frac {i}{\hbar }}[{\hat {H}}_{\mathrm {CM} },\rho _{\mathrm {CM} }(t)]-\sum _{i=1}^{N}\lambda _{i}\left(\rho _{\mathrm {CM} }(t)-{\hat {T}}_{\mathrm {CM} }[\rho _{\mathrm {CM} }(t)]\right)} Spontaneous collapse theories The most referenced of which being The Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber theory, or GRW. We will now have a backward-evolving wave-function in the configuration space, given by (x,-t). | It follows that a fundamental asymmetry is produced when time is reversed (in which temporal primitivism is grounded), and also in other cases where the reversal of time is not involved. A39, 2277 (1989). C Quantum Gravity29, 215010 (2012). If no, then it would seem to imply indeed that we can "observe that the collapse is fast" by the fact that otherwise, In doing so, ontology must come in. If the localization occurs e.g. This process is, of course, a solution of the spontaneous collapse theories. Though most physical theories are weakly TRI (or can easily be made TRI by defining the right time-reversal transformation) the definition is not trivial. C But this is not the point labels past and future are conventional. 2 adventurous proposal, which relates the spontaneous collapse events of objective collapse models to microscopic virtual black holes. This specific potential is usually taken as disfavoured by observations Rev. The Spontaneous Collapse Theory @inproceedings{Norsen2017TheSC, title={The Spontaneous Collapse Theory}, author={Travis Norsen}, year={2017} } T. Norsen; Published 2017; Mathematics; In this chapter, we explore the possibility that the wave function, as given by the Schrodinger equation, isn't right. Now, researchers have analyzed several ways one might look for spontaneous wave-function collapse using levitated nanoparticles. sense that, then, the Many-worlds interpretation just fits to "explain" probabilities, and therefore should be favored, by M. Bahrami, A. Smirne, & A. Bassi, Gravity and the Collapse of the Wave Function: a Probe into Disi-Penrose model, Phys. A. Wheeler (Benjamin, New York, 1968) 94; C.J. )10, which get the wave function multiplied by a narrow three-dimensional Gaussian function of the position operator (a second new constant of nature appears here, the width of the multiplying Gaussian curve.)11. The formalism was later applied d 4): any isolated quantum system will almost always evolve unitarily and deterministically, until it undergoes a spontaneous collapse. {\displaystyle \psi _{a}(x)={\cal {N}}e^{-{\frac {(x-a)^{2}}{2r_{C}^{2}}}}\left[e^{-{\frac {(x+a)^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}}}+e^{-{\frac {(x-a)^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}}}\right]={\cal {N}}\left[e^{-{\frac {\sigma ^{2}+r_{C}^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}r_{C}^{2}}}\,\left(x+{\frac {\sigma ^{2}-r_{C}^{2}}{\sigma ^{2}+r_{C}^{2}}}a\right)^{2}-{\frac {2a^{2}}{\sigma ^{2}+r_{C}^{2}}}}+e^{-{\frac {\sigma ^{2}+r_{C}^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}r_{C}^{2}}}\,(x-a)^{2}}\right]} Peterson, D.: Prospect for a new account of time reversal. {\displaystyle i} {\displaystyle x} [40], pp. D88(2), 023526 (2013), arXiv:1107.3054 [astro-ph.CO]. T 2 {\displaystyle {\hat {L}}_{x}^{i}=\left({\frac {1}{\pi r_{C}^{2}}}\right)^{\frac {3}{4}}e^{-{\frac {({\hat {q}}_{i}-x)^{2}}{2r_{C}^{2}}}}} C Y. It is worth noticing that t1 is a random time distributed conforming with the exponential distribution with rate N, where N is the number of quantum systems. Even if they are, the unitary mapping might not be unique, making it difficult to identify the state in the new Hilbert space resulting from the spontaneous collapse theory applied to the state of the SSC previous to the collapse. ] C ] t Physically, this means that when we do an experiment to measure spin (which may involve shooting a particle through an inhomogeneous magnetic field) we will get only one of two results: Either the particle will be deflected up a given amount or down a given amount (hence spin up and spin down). Springer, Cham. {\displaystyle x=a} As explained in the previous section, TRI means, prima facie, that if a physical process is in accordance with a dynamical law, then the time-reversed process is also in accordance with the law. These arguments based on time-reversal invariance have typically left primitivism in an uneasy situationwhy the direction of time can be said to be primitive despite having, all the way down, time-reversal invariant dynamics. 2 D13, 857 (1976). Synthese, Dasgupta S. Symmetry as an epistemic notion (twice over), Earman J. 28, 581600 (1996). a s That is, symmetries found at the level of the dynamics of a theory are symmetries of the spacetime structure that supports it. In other worlds, weakly non-TRI laws will yield solutions in one temporal direction, but not in the other.
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