There could be doctors in your area willing to remove the coils, you just have to make many appointments and tell your story over and over. 2) I just had negative metal allergy patch testing, and am waiting for results from the MELISA test. I had a varicocele embolization performed Dec. 21st, 2015 using platinum coils. i would sayremove the coils above all, and dont wait. Of course I would like the coils out of me, as Im sure everyone on the page would, but when it comes to adhesions and scar tissue, usually more surgery just increases the risk of even more scar tissue and adhesions, not to mention other potential complications that arise with surgeries. I have said prayers for you and I hope that doors will open for you all to be believed by medical professionals and that they will try to make a way to have your coils removed. Hello Im travelling to Cleveland clinic from Florida to see dr. Stein. Can recall bad pain for abt 2 weeks at site after op, but subsided eventually. Since his comments, i have began semi-natural supplements according to stephen buhners book the natural testosterone plan and have been having really great results (im taking DHEA, vitamin B5, zinc, rhodiola and stinging nettle root). Est-ce quil ta mis ces clips toi ? theoretically, the point of the embolization, to block bad blood flow, back towards the testicle. Bonjour admin, You would have had sutures holding the various layers of muscle together, and doing strenuous activity and especially lifting anything over 30 pounds can put enough strain on those muscles that the stitches might break and the holes in your muscles re-open. Yeah, makes sense. I am affraid that I will have to live with excessive pain for the rest of my life. He was right though..things did get better after about a year. Now Im looking for an alternative to treat my pelvic congestion syndrome I dont want an hysterectomy. I learned about the coil-free embolization of the gonadal veins by reading studies published by interventional radiologists in Spain, Italy and Germany. Depression, anxiety and erecrions have become very bad lately. I have also asked the coil migration question to Radiologist Dr. McCafferty and he said make sure you rest in the first 48 hours as they are still clotting in the body and stay off strenuous exercise for at least 7 days. Since day one I started feeling all the pain you guys mentioned above caused from the coils in my groin( lower back, abdominal pain, inside my groin, testicle and my leg sometimes) affecting me doing exercises, gym, even socializing with my friends or having sex. These are not embolic agents because they do not physically block the veins. Thanks. Thank you admin for this great website, I owe you my peace of mind. I have done a Coil Embolation 2.5 weeks ago and I regret it. I went up to mayo clinic in Minnesota and he said he would take them all out but he estimated that my pain would start to subside after a year after the inflammation starts to die down and the coiled veins get less sticky is the word he used. I cant wait to have these coils out of my body and hopefully my life back. i would sue my own surgeon but it happened to long ago. There have been several studies that compare the two methods and discuss some of the problems with coils. One thing about these coil doctors: they told me too that there is little evidence that coils cause a problem. So, considering the timing, it seems also likely that a diet related infection or deep muscular (psoas, maybe) or fascia imbalance might be to blame. I dont want the coil anymore! but it goes to show that this website is hitting home. so, as my pain went down after the operation, my sex drive went up a bit. Thanks so much. Muscle pain whole body flu like muscle pain Can only assume that the surgeons that remove coils, will also recommend them. It is now four months since I have had my coils removed. I made the mistake of getting talked into surgery before fully exploring natural treatments. I had the embolization and started experirncing pain and discomfort. During this intervention the radiologist also took the initiative of embolize the right spermatic vein by the insertion of 2 coils while the varicocele on this side was only of grade 1 and painless. feeling ill / unwell / feeling like a recurring virus etc What the hell should I do. Thanks Howard, we are lucky reading this forum before the procedure. I got checked for prostatitis and the prostate massage testing show no leukocytes in the prostate liquid. But a few were willing to try the procedure w/o coils along the European lines but they were still very angry that I would dare question their training! What is unsettling, even now, is that intense physical activities that would previously lead to relaxation (yoga/swimming/running) now lead to an unsettled state of mind. They should try to be treated by the surgeon during the removal process, if possible without too much risk. Headache Who do that? I canceled my classical embolization with a famous professor. sorry, as mentioned in the text in the upper part of this page, i cannot suggest varicocele natural treatments. best. Which urologist in Paris did you see that is willing to remove the coils? This makes them less obvious and causes the varicocele to disappear without an operation. From looking at this page it is very apparent that they do cause pain when they react with peoples bodies, when they lodge in strange places and people have eventually gotten relief when removed. sorry to hear about your pain, bon courage. Hi All, I am 46 year old male who underwent left varicocele coil embolization approximately 2 years ago in Australia. maybe one of them will agree to take them out. Zgr, please keep us informed of your progress monthly or bimonthly. if you have strong pain at the two week post surgery mark, id say you need to look into it further. obviously, taking antibiotics forever is not an option, bc there are many good bacteria, so i am currently researching how to best treat. Hemostasis was then assured in the operative bed. cordially. I am 28 years old, male, suffering from testicular pain for nearly 4 years now. Can I ask you guys a question What is causing the pain and discomfort after the embolization? Do you have any side effects or pain during day, or while exercising? Intense pain in the groin area and the testicle sack, Im a pro squash player but these coils have ruined everything for me. Any progress on your end? Thank you very much and thanks admin for this website. Day after tomorrow is my appointment for embolization..I dont have any other symptoms..once my motility was low.. If my blood does not react to any of the metals then I will think that it is an energy block in the spleen meridian that is messing me up. keep us posted. A varicocele is an enlarged and lengthened vein in a man's scrotum. I think it is because he did not use a tilt table. at any rate, it seems that removing the embolized vein changes nothing, according to my surgeon, because the vein is already unused, dead. I had coil embolisation of my ovarian veins two months ago and have been in terrible pain and discomfort since. If left untouched, they would disappear with virtually no blemishes behind. Can you tell us how is your feeling after 5 months of coils remove? The only way reamins is embolization for me. keep us posted, good luck, Hi Ryan Try not too get down you need to give it chance to work. It is an elegant procedure and simple and NO COILS. personally i wouldnt want to be a guinea pig. Perhaps speak to a naturopath for information on diet and explore yoga and accupuncture as alternatives. @BJ I had micro surgery first and it left me in worse pain then the varicocle was to begin with. Glad to post and support the great work that youve started. could you please tell us about your background and why you are interested in this site? When I hear from my insurance company I will make another post regarding their decision. In other news, Cleveland clinic has called me back with an estimate for the surgery. Look up inguinal neuralgia for more info. For T levels, i didnt get a blood test done but i think its more of a stress reaction. It is a terrible thing to be faced with and effects families not just the individuals. I was unaware of it and symptomless. I do not want to rush into surgery but many times every day, every time I am hit with a twinge of pain in my inguinal area or feel pressure on my left side I want them out now. Fasting is a def must. I am wanting to start a facebook group page to allow more direct interaction between all of us that have experienced negative and unexplained health issues after having the variocele embolization procedure. I had removal scheduled for early april as I said in an earlier comment, however the hospital has postponed it until Coronavirus is less severe. Mine havent migrated, and I dont feel major pain, but I dont feel like myself. is this my isolated case, is it related to pain or other complications, or even other unrelated coincidental occurrences? The day after the procedure my left buttocks and leg was numb, with nerve tingles travelling up and down. also, what is the risks involved in a varicocelectomy? If youre wondering why I was worried about my varicocele its because I heard it affects testosterone, testicle size and sperm quality. Hi all, thank you for creating this website, i was going to get the embolisation done, but you have changed my mind. as i did mine in france, the name of my op wouldnt be of much help. I did my research but could not find a name who uses only glues. I dont know what should I there any body in Indiahow can i do reversal of this??? I have a friend who graduated from medical school recently and I talked him about this issue and we brainstormed how this mechanism works. I write the above having had coils implanted (around 30 cm worth) and they caused me absolute hell for almost a year before i had to have them removed. However, in some forums they say the only possible way to know there is inflammation in prostate is to checked for prostate culture which is taken through prostate massage. I also saw on this thread the mention of dr crowe who actually preformed my Varicocele embolization procedure. very good description, jh. a. same operations in oct 2015 and same answer from the radiologist. On Wednesday I had a second laparoscopy because of pain close to my left ovary. The lower ones were caught up in a lot of tissue, these were the ones I think my body never 100% accepted. Hey All, In fact, both doctors who recommended the treatment refused to see me. I do not seem to have the psychological effects like you guys do. No one has been able to advise in any way why the above occurred from coils.
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