Michael Kugelman from the Wilson Centre think tank on how Pakistans flood disaster could have been avoided. Peace means: food for our people, medicines for our Recently, two female Saudi activists were sentenced to prison over their undaunted tweets and social media presence. H owever faint the hope may be, any glimmer of peace - or even a brief respite - is welcome in the face of a brutal war that has claimed so many . Another segment also suggested that Netflix could be banned in Saudi Arabia due to programming deemed to negatively influence children. Michael explains that if Pakistan had paid heed to climate change warnings, there wouldve been better efforts to maintain water infrastructure, dams, canals. Ethiopian federal and allied forces committed widespread abuses in Tigray. of the countrys two-year civil war has welcomed the ceasefire agreed on We need essential humanitarian assistance. They are about 160 km ( 90 miles) from Addis Ababa, Odaa Tarbii said. Before I realized what was happening, the second strike happened, and then the third. On September 30, Ethiopia expelled seven senior UN officials. I stood up, not knowing what was happening. 11 November , 2021. We are deeply concerned by these attacks on our clinicians and staff fueled by misinformation and a lack of understanding and respect for our transgender community.. Kiwi Farms was launched in 2009 as CWCki dedicated to referencing the online presence of Christine Weston Chandler aka Chris Chan aka Sonichu. On balance, Labour have an upper hand. Childrens National Hospital in Washington DCwas also subjected to similar harassment for the same reasons. Muslim women around the world find themselves in the middle of heated political and social debates, because of their choice to wear the Muslim veil. However, similar sites that are dedicated to doxing people still exist such asThe Lolcow.farmimageboard which has been around since at least 2014, and thePretty Ugly Little Liarforum which started in 2015 and still exists. DiCarlo said - in the Security Council session - that Ethiopia's descent into a large-scale civil war is a real danger, and if this happened, it would cause a humanitarian disaster, and harm the future of the country, which she described as important. Satellite imagery, photos, and testimony indicate that the detonation of one munition caused significant damage to the roof and north faade of the school buildings in which dozens of civilians were sleeping, and at least two other impact sites. Arab Gulf States: Remove content that violates Islamic values or face legal action, Arab Gulf states tell Netflix, Hijab-Wearing Muslim Women Face Discrimination in Hiring Practices. During this rule, TPLF was not only dominant but nothing in the political and economic life of Ethiopia happened without the initiative or blessing of the TPLF. A damaged tank on a road north of Mekelle, the capital of Tigray, on February 26. Children fill water tanks using a private pump near the Shabelle river in the city of Gode, Ethiopia, on April 6, 2022 amid the worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 40 years pushes 20. On July 15, Ethiopia Media Authority temporarily suspended Addis Standard, a leading news outlet in Ethiopia claiming it was advancing the agenda of the TPLF.. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sorrenti was just one of the victims of this far-right website that causedat least three suicides. Leaders in Tigray withdrew to their mountainous heartland in the north, where they continued to control their own regional government. Satellite imagery recorded in early December confirmed the influx. Whether or not these changes have made a significant difference to the lives of women in Saudi is debatable. Electricity and fuel supplies reached dangerous lows in September, communications and banking remained shut, and access to cash was severely limited. The Tigray conflict has its roots in tensions that go back generations in Ethiopia. Fighting in mid-July in Mai Aini and Adi Harush, the regions two other functioning camps, left Eritrean refugees in urgent need of protection and assistance. Tents and structures present on the schoolyard of Dedebit Elementary School, days before the January 7, 2022 attack. I think many victims have concluded that in many cases theyll need to fend for themselves but they will also look for help from their fellow Pakistanis, private citizens, those with charities, NGOs and so on.. A rebel commander confirmed to the BBC they had kidnapped local officials but did not say how many. Since countries like Saudi Arabia are Muslim countries, whose laws are also somewhat based on Islamic values, laws like this are justified. pray for our leaders to give their chance, their all for peace to materialise.. On January 27, Ethiopian authorities arrested dozens of supporters of detained Oromo politicians in Addis Ababa outside a court hearing. EDITOR'S PICK . We have a In January, Eritrean forces destroyed large parts of the camps, which were empty of refugees by March. When the first strike happened, I was asleep with my family, I felt like fire hit us. In one of his interviews with Ethno-nationalism Threatens The Very Existence of The Ethiopian Nation-State. But he says it would be difficult for them to do it alone. UpdateJuly 19, 2022: With a catastrophic famine looming on the horizon across East Africa, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has released its first ever Crisis Alert update to its annual Emergency Watchlist today, highlighting that over 3 million people could die without urgent international funding. The doctor said he performed two amputations, including amputating a boys right hand. The MAM-L guided bomb is a very accurate 22-kilogram weapon that is targeted by a laser beam and is most often dropped from the TB-2 armed drone, which can carry up to four MAM-L guided bombs and the necessary targeting system. Learn more about the famine threat. The State Department has previously announced visa restrictions for Ethiopian and Eritrean government officials and the Biden administration has imposed wide-ranging restrictions on economic assistance to the country. Ethiopia was ruled by a coalition called Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Abiy also made significant moves towards domestic reforms, raising hopes that he would bring about lasting change. The term womens rights was cast aside when describing the purpose of the Gulf Strategy Fund (GSF), suggesting that the UK has either opted for silence on the matter or is supporting the discrimination of women. But he underlined the urgency of getting medicines back into Security and bureaucratic constraints continue to hinder the flow of aid. "bold step" taken by the two warring parties. The AU remained the only international body to monitor the June elections and declared them to be credible, despite irregularities and insecurity in several regions. Nevertheless, under TPLF rule, Ethiopia saw rapid development progress, massive infrastructure investment and stunning economic success, and was widely recognized internationally for establishing peace and prosperity in region. Using guided bombs without evidence of any military target indicates that this was an apparent war crime.. Mohammed, but he became known as Ali Birra, a nod to his early works, but also a name that means "spring" or "break of Other ways to share And instead, focus on how to work to make the country more climate resilient and take efforts to ensure that the vulnerable are actually protected more and receive the support they get. Is the Labour Party really the answer to 12 years of austerity culminating in the economic fallout of Brexit and the pandemic? US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hailed the momentous In November 2020, Abiy ordered a military offensive in the northern Tigray region and promised that the conflict would be resolved quickly. Human Rights Watch obtained a list compiled by the displaced community with the names of 53 people killed immediately, including 32 females and 21 males. process. Ukraine: Does the Level of Victimhood Depend on Ethnicity? They say the 40-year-old leaves behind two daughters. Since late June 2021, the Ethiopian government has imposed an effective siege on Tigray. musicians whose talent was appreciated much later in his life because of the artistic restrictions imposed by the country's earlier feudal and military regimes. The African Union At the third impact site, further north along the schoolyard fence, multiple videos uploaded to YouTube by Tigrai TV show piles of debris and clothing. People are crying out for help. After two years of civil war, Ethiopias warring parties have signed a ceasefire agreement. If Starmer is prepared to win at all costs, what does that say about his own convictions and level of integrity? The conflict expanded into the neighboring Amhara and Afar regions in July, displacing hundreds of thousands. The term womens rights was cast aside when describing the purpose of the Gulf Strategy Fund (GSF), suggesting that the UK has either opted for silence on the matter or is supporting the discrimination of women. By David Isaly. As a result, she and her fianc moved to a local hotel only to be doxed again after the users found the hotel by a picture that she posted of her cat sitting on the bed. On the 4th of November, TPLF (Tigray People's Liberation Front . Cholera . Both Reino and Hbsch say that in addition to training employers to remove their prejudices, educational work to debunk the myths surrounding Islam and the Hijab must also be implemented. senior commanders. A legend, a hero, a poet, a Eritreas government has denied any involvement in atrocities. And its actually quite notorious that state capacities responding to natural disasters are very weak. Ethiopia's U.N. ambassador, Taye Atske Selassie, told the General Assembly committee Thursday the report is "incoherent and sketchy" and is intended to intensify political pressure against . The Tigray conflict, explained. On June 22 a government airstrike hit a market in Togogo central Tigray, reportedly killing at least 51 people and injuring scores. Less than a year before Abiy launched an assault on his own people, he described war as the epitome of hell during his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. You need the international community to an extent as well.. As they have pushed the front line further south, fighters loyal to the TPLF, known as the Tigray Defense Forces (TDF), have allied with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), a rebel group fighting for the rights of people from Oromia, Ethiopias most populous region. And another neighbor, a family of 4, all killed. The security forces expelled thousands, including many older people, pregnant women, and women with children. Following this, Mr Abiy claimed that troops were being sent to Tigray to restore order. But is the Labour Party really the answer to 12 years of austerity culminating in the economic fallout of Brexit and the pandemic? The talks kicked off on Monday There was a demand for a re-run of the election, but the election commission found no evidence of fraud. The country's foremost musical expert Sertse Firesbhat So I hope and Share this via Printer. in 2014, it implemented the Khyber Pakhtunhwa River Act. Correspondents say the outcome of the fighting there could determine who controls the two roads leading to Mekelle, the capital of Tigray. Win-Win Historic Agreement. of vital medicines. "WFP (World Food Programme) has finally been able to meet the food needs of more than 800,000 people in Tigray" (United Nations, 2022). The GSF addresses various concerns in the gulf region including security, cyber, innovation and leadership and seeks to alleviate problems in the area by encouraging developments in tech and education. Regional governments are largely divided along entrenched ethnic lines. Ethiopia was struggling with significant economic, ethnic and political challenges long before a feud between Abiy and the regions former ruling party, the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), bubbled over into unrest. How 'Women, Life, Freedom' Unified All the People of Iran. But the international community cannot do much in the way of affecting this: The UNs appeals for assistance havent really been met because the bigger story here is donor fatigue, which is one reason why you havent seen as much money going to Pakistan as would be desired, he tells us. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. this war and Mr Obasanjo said the deal was just the start of the peace "There is no transportation, shops are closed and residents are inside their house," one person said. Everyone has to facilitate [this]. And there is not a lot of clarity as to what happened to the money that actually was delivered. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The ongoing war has caused widespread devastation . I realized this wasnt fighting., An aid worker who visited the compound the next day said, It was impossible to say how many were killed. The statement also mentioned that the platform was contacted to remove this content, including content directed to children, and to ensure adherence to the laws.. Of the 46, one child was dead upon arrival and three others died at the hospital. Disputes between Ethiopia and Sudan over the contested territory of al-Fashaga increased, resulting in several open clashes. ETHIOPIA. This includes the ability to drive, relaxed dress code and more roles in the workforce. Both sides agree to stop their conflict which has led to a humanitarian crisis and warnings of a famine. Senegalese President and the current AU chairperson Macky And earlier this year, Starmer stated he was side-lining the 2019 Labour socialist manifesto and starting from scratch even though he had described it as a foundational document. Youve had all types of buildings put up alongside rivers, which means that when you have any types of floods, it means that, immediately, youre going to have a lot of building damage and that entails possible losses of lives. Whilst no policy could have stopped these floods from happening because no policy could have prevented the rains from coming as early as they did, had they been better in the past, perhaps the damage wouldnt have been quite as catastrophic as it was. UNICEF strongly condemns the air strike in Mekelle, the capital city of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. Tigray, said there was "a very narrow window to prevent genocide". The proceedings So many of us are absorbed by what is going on in Ethiopia. In March, Secretary of State Antony Blinken characterized the Ethiopian governments actions in Western Tigray as ethnic cleansing. On September 18, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order that established a sanctions regime on individuals and entities responsible for human rights abuses in northern Ethiopia and for obstructing humanitarian aid. Ethiopia crisis worse than Ukraine - EU official, More than four million Ethiopians are now refugees in their own country, Image caption: More than four million Ethiopians are now refugees in their own country, Video caption: Tigray: Rare view inside a hidden war, Why Ethiopia peace deal is triumph for prime minister, Hope and optimism in Addis Ababa after peace deal, Former Nigerian President Olesegun Obasanjo (C) helped broker the deal in South Africa, Image caption: Former Nigerian President Olesegun Obasanjo (C) helped broker the deal in South Africa, I pray our leaders give peace a chance - Tigray doctor, Dr Fasika Amdeslasie says there is now some hope for his patients, Image caption: Dr Fasika Amdeslasie says there is now some hope for his patients, Ethiopia deal: Excellent news but still work to do, Ethiopian government representative Redwan Hussien (L) and Tigray delegate Getachew Reda (R) signed the deal in South Africa on Wednesday, Image caption: Ethiopian government representative Redwan Hussien (L) and Tigray delegate Getachew Reda (R) signed the deal in South Africa on Wednesday, Truce agreed to halt Ethiopia's civil war, Deal promises humanitarian access to Tigray, Ethiopia peace talks marred by foreign interference - PM, Abiy Ahmed launched the military offensive in Tigray in November 2020, Image caption: Abiy Ahmed launched the military offensive in Tigray in November 2020, WHO calls for 'urgent' Tigray access to save lives, An estimated 13 million people need aid in northern Ethiopia, Image caption: An estimated 13 million people need aid in northern Ethiopia. The report identified one the perpetrators of the massacre, geolocated human remains to the site of the attack. It officially changed its name in 2015 and soon gained a lot of popularity. children suffering malnutrition. For high-contact jobs, such as front desk reception, the average callback rates among non-Hijabi Muslim women were 42%, 52%, and 14% for the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain. An OLA spokesperson told CNN on Thursday that joint rebel fighters were still weeks to months away from taking the capital. Abiy has urged citizens to take up arms and fight the Tigrayan forces. and has urged all Ethiopians and the international community to support the Of course, if there are lots of Since then, EPRDF was spearheaded by the TPLF who reigned the party and the country until 2018. The Ethiopian government must take urgent action by January 1 in order to remain in the program, which grants eligible sub-Saharan African nations duty-free access to the US market for thousands of products. centres are functioning. The Oromo ethnic group, despite being Ethiopia's largest, was culturally marginalised by successive governments. However, it has been placed on the global health, education . Human Rights Watch concluded that a variant of the MAM-L guided bomb with an enhanced blast warhead was most likely used because of the wounds and level of damage. All Rights Reserved. As a truce is agreed in Ethiopia's bitter civil war, we investigate a massacre caught on video. Growing political, social, and cultural polarization that has contributed to power exploitation and increased corruption is another reason why Michael believes no timely long-term planning to tackle environmental concerns in the region will take place. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. What Is Really Happening In Ethiopia - Nairaland / General - Nairaland. There are acute shortages of food and fuel, with an Many more have fled to Sudan, in what the United Nations has called the worst exodus of refugees from Ethiopia seen in two decades. The US embassy has issued an advisory to all non-essential staff to leave the country. The track record of Pakistani governments when it comes to emergency responses after national disasters leave a lot to be desired. The EU urged member states to consider imposing restrictive measures on Ethiopia. The destruction and pillage of health facilities prevented survivors of conflict-related sexual violence from accessing health services. The survivor said that three entire families had been killed in the attack: I heard that a family of 8, and a mother and child, 10 individuals, all of them were killed. Doctors at a hospital in Shire described treating at least 46 people with abdominal trauma, destroyed limbs, and other injuries. We strongly suggest . The National Disaster Management Authority Pakistan issued its first warning for devastating monsoon rain in the middle of June, just a day before the rainfall. Instead, revelations emerged that 10 million were used to run the campaigns advertisements, as the former Supreme Court judge, who was endorsed by then prime minister Imran Khan, was summoned to court to answer the allegations. can solve our own issues by ourselves.". This is especially the case with a complex country such as Ethiopia. It was the night of [Ethiopian Orthodox] Christmas, a 70-year-old survivor said. Rhetoric aside, this is not happening. Satellite imagery collected one week after the strike, on January 14, doesnt show tents in the school compound. Indeed, the TPLF has assembled a handful of organisations (just as it did in 1991) and set up an anti-government alliance, presumably as a stepping . But a year on, its far from over. the deal, said. There are currently different opposing parties ruling in all four provinces of Pakistan, and there would be issues in managing the flood relief across the provinces. While the federal government denies that food is being restricted, or even whether food insecurity exists in the region, groups globally have been calling for intervention as the conflict continues. However, it is also one of the poorest, with a per capita gross national income of $960. Annalena Baerbock and the EU, all applauded the efforts by the two parties After government forces withdrew from many parts of Tigray in late June, it imposed an effective siege on Tigray, blocking virtually all humanitarian aid from reaching the region, violating international humanitarian law and possibly committing the war crime of using starvation as a weapon of war. It was so difficult to understand what was happening at that time. The post was later taken down by Facebook. A constantly escalating conflict between the federal government in Addis Ababa and the regional Tigray government has affected the county's northern-most region. In this, a fake call was made to the authorities to bring them to her house in August of this year. Just earlier this year Walt Disneys new Buzz Lightyear movie, a movie based on the Toy Story franchise, was banned in the UAE, due to showing two women kissing. That was the refrain chorused by the many millions of people left homeless and in disarray following severe flash flooding in Pakistans northwestern region in 2010. Of course people planning to visit Ethiopia are asking us what is happening now in Ethiopia. Millions of people in Tigray need urgent assistance after two years of living through an armed conflict. In Oromia, the countrys biggest regional constituency, the ruling Prosperity Party ran unopposed, after the main opposition parties, the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), boycotted the election, citing intimidation of supporters and the detention of party leaders. The US repeatedly condemned the human rights abuses committed by warring parties in Tigray. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Human Rights Watch also verified 38 photos and 6 videos showing strike victims and debris, and reviewed satellite imagery collected before and after the attack. of millions of people facing a "perfect storm" of deprivation. Six images sent by aid workers show human flesh hanging from trees along the fence. Ethiopias government has severely restricted access to journalists, and a state-enforced communications blackout concealed events in the region, making it challenging to gauge the extent of the crisis or verify survivors accounts. In his drive for a new pan-Ethiopian political party, Abiy sparked fears in some regions that the countrys federal system which guarantees significant autonomy to ethnically-defined states such as Tigray was under threat. On October 8th, the Ethiopian government launched a new offensive against the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in northern Ethiopia, accompanied by heavy airstrikes along the frontlines. "Ethiopians should understand we More recently, a man-made famine has become a serious threat as several humanitarian groups have accused Ethiopian federal forces of intentionally restricting food and food aid to the region. In urban settings it is very difficult to limit the effect of enhanced blast weapons to combatants, and the nature of enhanced blast weapons makes it virtually impossible for civilians to take shelter from their destructive effect. many Ethiopians have been lost," Mr Guterres said. Critics have noted that other hardworking, long-standing members like Sam Tarry and MP of the Year Ian Byrne, have had trigger ballots imposed on them, been deselected or not allowed to stand for selection. (Nairobi, March 24, 2022) - An Ethiopian government airstrike hit a school compound hosting thousands of displaced Tigrayans in northwestern Tigray on January 7, 2022, Human Rights Watch said. Updated It is highly likely that the funding has been allocated to government organisations which are responsible for human rights abuses and oppression in their strict measures against dissent in Saudi Arabia. Cholera and measles. What is happening in Ethiopia is mesmerizing for all Ethiopians and now for Eritreans as well. The types of injuries found in the strike victims were entirely consistent with those created by an enhanced blast weapon, including profound blast injuries, crushed limbs, total body disruption, and small irregular fragmentation wounds, Human Rights Watch said. People's Liberation Front (TPLF). So, canals sprung leaks, and dams, including Tarbela Dam, which is one of the biggest earth-filled dams in the world, lost a lot of storage capacity just because of erosion and other problems that werent addressed., Unfortunately, the lessons that need to be learned will not be learned just like they werent learned so many other times in the past.. US condemns 'atrocities' in Tigray and calls for those responsible to be 'held to account' after CNN investigation. Abiy called the vote illegal and lawmakers cut funding to the TPLF leadership, setting off a tit-for-tat series of escalations between the regional and the federal government. But with Starmers raison detre seeming to be about winning at all costs including apparently jettisoning basic Labour values is he in danger of losing core Labour voters? There is still a long way to go to stop Muslim Women in Canada criticise French Hijab Ban, Cancelling Canada Day: A Country Perpetuating Injustice Cannot be Celebrated, 10 Successful Muslim Women Who Wear The Hijab. One of the mantras of Pakistan is that it has a really resilient society. The Netherlands, despite its otherwise progressive stance on religious freedom, has policies in place that discriminate against Muslim women, such as the burqa ban. The TPLF alleged that the postponing of the elections extends Ahmeds leadership beyond his appointed term limit, rendering it unconstitutional and making his leadership illegitimate.
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