Later in the novel when he suggests a stop on the witch hunts to Danforth, he is afraid that if he reveals too much, he would himself get accused of being associated with the devil. There was no such thing as private moralities, instead, a persons reputation was a public matter showcased for the town to judge and discern. To be labeled a witch, caused your reputation to be destroyed, even if you were associated with . The distinctive stories give us stereotypes of good and bad and in addition taking the lessons from Hansel and Gretel. Reputation is how people gain first impressions of people from others. Reputation is dependable upon actions, words, positions, and expected behavior. When Corey attempts to find justice for the women unwarrantedly accused of witchcraft, he discovers the truth: Putnam intentionally persecutes people so that he gets a persons land., In order to try and preserve their life characters lie in order to escape punishment. This sacrifice of honour is the hardest for him to bear. According to the townspeople in theocratic Salem, an individual was to become prestigious and sacrifice everything for a good name. In the play, The Crucible, many things influence the flow of the story but one of the key factors that affect the play is Reputation. Judge Danforth values his reputation because it grants him a level of esteem and control. During the time of the Puritans, reputation played an important role in how you were viewed, and it determined the amount of respect you received from people in your community. Inner tube series of dot marks and a puncture, what has caused it? In The Crucible, the reputation of the church, the government, and the individual is called into question. Abigail is blaming her mistakes on Tituba in hopes of avoiding punishment alike people now in days who are willing to do all it takes to get what they want even if it means risking others life. Why was Abigail Williams concerned about her reputation? What is Abigails reputation in The Crucible? It is also supposed to be based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or equity. To be raised in a certain way is how our opinions and ethics are formed, and in a Puritan society they just happen to be very strong, and Abigail tried to rebel against them in her own way. Miller presents the importance of reputation to us through the direct statements of characters and also through the fact that a character may represent an idea that pertains to reputation. Theme Of Punishment In The Crucible In order to try and preserve their life characters lie in order to escape punishment. Reverend Parris values how people perceive him because of its effect on his job. He is trying to preserve his reputation because he believes his name should not from him because they will take his name, and put in on the church if he confesses to the crimes of witchcraft. She strives to be an ideal Puritan woman in her society, and because many citizens saw Elizabeth fit this mold, they did not see the possibility of her carrying the devils spirit. Various events in Arthur Miller's screenplay reveal the theme of reputation as being a leading force in the developing plotlines of the story. John wants his name to be remembered as pure and good for not only him but also his children. There is no tarnish/embarrassment to her. Though actions are often motivated by fear and desires for power and revenge, they are also propped up by underlying worries about how a loss of reputation will negatively affect characters' lives. When Betty was sick and Abigail was . Several characters in The Crucible face a tough decision: to protect their reputation or their integrity. Confessing will save Proctors life, Proctor doesnt want to know that he lied to god and the community., People doubt him to be a true believer in Christ all because he is not happy with Parris and what he teaches. Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. Create an account Three characters in the play that are concerned with their reputations are John Proctor, Governor Danforth, and Abigail Williams, the characters demonstrate their concern by exceeding their own limits to keep them true to their name. Theme Of Reputation In The Crucible. This is shown in the story after John Proctor signs, The theme of the play The Crucible written by, Arthur Miller, Is mainly reputation, blaming others and its either one side or the other. How is reputation a theme in the crucible? When the three witches met Hecate it appears that the three witches wanted to harm Macbeth. He knows that if he does not confess to lies he will lose his life; however, the threat of death and the insistence of others do nothing to hinder his morals., He wasn't hanged because they was trying to make him confess by pressing him. During the novel, accusations are placed on innocent people for the sake of saving their own reputation. Because I cannot have another in my lifeHow may I live without my name? Need help for workout, supplement and nutrition? The most probable reason is that he fears that Abigail will tell the town about their affair, which would ruin his name in town. The logical way to handle the situation, from Antigones point of view, would be to bury Polyneices because doing so would please the gods. The Crucible is a ctionalized account of the Salem Witch trials of 1692, in which 19 innocent men and women were killed by hanging and hundreds convicted before the panic subsided. Reputation is extremely important for the town, as it is your only way to get a fair hearing and respect from the people. John to Abigail Act 1. Reputation of Proctor. Although Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft, she avoids punishment partially because of her pregnancy and her husbands confession, but also because of the fact that the evidence against her did not equate to the sinless persona that fought for her innocence. Yet at the same time, in the beginning of the play, because Parris placed the title witch on the heads of even the most pious members of his community, he converts into an overly insecure character. ~Pride is the parent of destruction;pride eats the mind, the soul and the heart.~ Anne Rice. "I think you must be a wise judge to be what you are". "But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again". During the trials the people of Salem were out for revenge and the witch-trials were a great way to take revenge on those they disliked. Reputation plays an important role in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Will slightly loose bearings result in damage? Quotes/themes. He believes that, as the pastor, he is . In Arthur Miller's The Crucible readers see how pride and reputation has a disastrous effect on the characters when John Proctor commits lechery, Parris refrains . Throughout The Crucible, Reverend Parris's actions are rooted in his reputation and job security. Fear is one of the leading reasons that influence peoples decisions in life. The theme of "The crucible" by Arthur Miller is, a good reputation. I have spoke nothin', but my heart has clamored intimations. Justice is meant to be administrated with upmost fairness and equality. Arthur Miller created one of his most famous texts upon the basis of one's reputation, and a sort of mockery of the McCarthy case that occurred in the 1950s. By refusing to relinquish his name, he redeems himself for his earlier failure and dies with integrity. Having a good reputation is very important in The Crucible., Reputation; what significance does this one word have that a Spanish proverb states, He who has lost his reputation is a dead man among the living? In Arthur Miller's Crucible, the theme of revenge plays a major role. Reverend Paris is the head preacher of Salem and constantly felt the need to keep up his reputation so the people would respect him. Yet while The Crucible depicts one witch-hunt, it was written during another. Theme 3: Reputation. He does not feel he is good enough to die with those who have integrity before. He would be questioned for his decisions in the past and ultimately lose his job. He is commenting of the idea of reputation, something which is so important to many characters in the play. The analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller, begins in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 during the Salem Witch Trials. Preserving ones reputation is a very prominent theme in The Crucible. Reputation of Proctor. The Preservation of One's Reputation Warren Buffett once said, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. He based this book on the Salem Witch Trials which took place in the early 1950's. All the characters were somehow related to the actual people during the Witch Trials. Betty and Abigail are also suspects of this theme. John Proctor is a key character in the play whose reputation gets overshadowed by the extent of his internal conflicts. Elizabeth points out Abigail could also be trying to get back at John for, There is a promise made in any bed (Miller 61)., reputation is also a very important theme that definitely sets the whole backbone of the story. Parris is also not a fan of Proctor and repeatedly tries to catch him up in his words in order to incriminate him. Youll burn for this, do you know it? (69). The ambitious and manipulated Macbeth reflects Shakespeares message in Macbeth that too much ambition leads to ruin. Asked by: Alex Gil. Your good name is the only way you can get other people to do business with you or even get a fair hearing. He does not want to ruin his name from falsely interpreting the law of god. Though actions are often motivated by fear and desires for power and revenge, they are also propped up by underlying worries about how a loss of reputation will negatively affect characters' lives. Integrity is the way you perceive yourself. The story gives you great lessons and children should read the story to understand the danger of reality. The first event in which John unleashed his fury was when and affected his reputation was all started one winter when Elizabeth became ill and John had to take charge of Elizabeth's roles around the house, that same winter John had an affair with his Abagail, the ex-housemaid, and broke one of the ten commandments, During the witch trials of . The Barbados slave is terrified of possible being hang therefore confesses no, no, don 't hang Tituba!, He is known as being just and right. Being named a witch was at a high risk in Salem during this time, therefore most likely everyone was convicted. Macbeth is influenced by the witches and his wife, but in the end, his ambition and greed for power brought him to his end. Antigone sees this pride as damaged, and believes that he does not use logic in his reasoning. Therefore, his name would be ruined and he could not do anything to gain his respect back. Although he is willing to verbalize his confession, Proctor has no inclination for writing it down because by doing so, his reputation would be ruined. Your good name is the only way you can get other people to do business with you or even get a fair hearing. Abigail is clearly a leader of the girls of Salem. He is unfavourable of his name getting defamed in the town even when he has seen the girls and Tituba attempting to perform witchcraft: John Proctor, on the other hand, values his reputation because he believes it is a direct representation of himself. Although he is willing to verbalize his confession, Proctor has no inclination for writing it down because by doing so, his reputation would be ruined. . Printing his name, he believes will make his words become a reality and cause damage to his standing in the community. Regarding John Proctor his motivation for his reputation appears very strong in Act 4. His refusal in confessing portrays his strong beliefs of honesty are valued more than conforming with the confessors to live in, Jean-Marie Bonnet states, For Proctor, his name does not only mean reputation, but truth to oneself and others. Proctor is not willing to sacrifice his name, as he doesnt want the knowledge that people will see him differently if he confesses/or lies. You cannot leap to witchcraft. The Puritans also believe that Satan tempts human beings to carry out his work. Many characters in The Crucible are concerned about their reputations. Abigail was accused of witchcraft. The main character, John Proctor, may seem to be a normal, middle aged man living in the Puritan town of Salem, but however, he holds a dark secret: he cheated on his wife with a girl named Abigail Williams. While he is a man of firm morals and beliefs, his extra-marital affair is the cause of the sin he has to carry upon himself. Printing his name, he believes will make his words become a reality and cause damage to his standing in the community., Proctor understands that when he signs the confession he is lying. In Arthur Millers The Crucible readers see how pride and reputation has a disastrous effect on the characters when John Proctor commits lechery, Parris refrains from telling the people of Salem about what he saw his child doing and when Abigail lies to keep face in the town. He did not want to ruin his good name by the town discovering him as an atrocious person, although, if Proctor revealed his transgression earlier, he could have prevented increasing amounts of guilt and thus maintained some dignity. 4. What is this device fitted to the chain ring called? this had a negative effect on the trials, because his silence allowed them to continue, and with no one challenging Abigail 's claims, the witch hunt got way out of, Millers underlying message is that the fear of the unknown can make people turn on people they thought they knew and trusted the most. A bad reputation on others can result in social or physical punishment. Throughout the play, many people were driven by the need to survive, while jeopardizing other peoples reputation and safety to ensure their own survival. It is more important that one's life. The desire to protect one's reputation is an extremely prominent theme in The Crucible. Context: Abigail admits to talking to the devil, says she regrets it, then accuses others of talking to him. Theme Of Reputation In The Crucible. "I have rung the doom of my good name". The children, later on, met a woman but then appeared to be the wicked witch and there goes the other moral of the story, which is to never trust strangers. Proctor is not willing to sacrifice his name, as he doesnt want the knowledge that people will see him differently if he confesses/or lies. Miller portrays this in his play by using dramatization. The protagonist, John Proctor, is extremely concerned with how the townspeople view him and does not . Proctor does not give him the paper because he wanted to protect his name and his reputation., Proctor understands that when he signs the confession he is lying. Fear leaves us afraid and frightened. 6 Pages. Definition: not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or suffering of other peopleSynonym: ferociously Antonym: considerately.Manifest. Parris' daughter, Betty, played witched with her friends in the . Theme: hysteria, intolerance. How does weight and strength of a person effects the riding of bicycle at higher speeds. This play takes place in a Puritan society in Salem, where the moral code and beliefs learned from the Bible stress the importance of bearing a good name. A person cannot stand in this world without his reputation. Weegy: John Proctor's dilemma culminated with him confessing to witchcraft, [ even though he realized that in doing so: he would ruin his reputation forever he realized that all he had was his good name and his reputation Elizabeth approved of whatever he decided. 1002 Words; 5 Pages; The Crucible Good Vs Evil Essay. View Theme_of_reputation_in_the_Crucible from ENGL 111 at Arrowhead Park Medical Academy. They will topple me with this! How does John Proctor care about his reputation? Abigail to John P Act 1. "These people have great weight in society". His reputation is so important to him that he chooses death by hanging instead. One might have a reputation to withstand and have specific guidelines to keep his/her position. Change Of The Century By Ornette Coleman Analysis. He was initially in an affair with his servant, Abigail William, and once his wife learned of his infidelity, she . The answer is : all of the above . When he refuses to give away other peoples names it is because he likes not to spoil their names, and when he refuses to sign his name, it is to save his own integrity before God and himself (Bonnet 36). Check out this FREE essay on Reputation in the Crucible and use it to write your own unique paper. Arthur Miller emphasizes this theme through the careful examination of certain respected characters such as John Proctor, Reverend Parris, and others, particularly by analyzing their individual motives and distinct aspects of their character. Even if that means that lives would be lost. Macbeth should have never listened to the witches because from then on, it changed him. Concern for reputation is a theme that looms large over most of the events in The Crucible. This alters the play because John Proctor mood completely changes when he, A major example of a character who demonstrates reputation is Danforth. Proctor wanting to be honest in himself and his wish to preserve his family tears proctor into two. Of course, reputation meant nothing when a witchcraft accusation was staring you in the face. But is a good name better than the truth? Lust, guilt, reputation, repression. John Proctor felt the need to preserve his reputation, and ultimately died rather then live with a bad name. Concern for reputation is a theme that looms large over most of the events in The Crucible. "I have given you my soul; leave me my name". During this time, the city was governed by the church and a massive witch hunt took . However, after he realizes that the situation has truly gone out of control, he tries to confess his wrongdoing, but is only imprisoned and accused of witchcraft as well. By Arthur Miller Reputation is extremely important in a town where social standing is tied to ones ability to follow religious rules. Her need for self-preservation emerges and she immediately blamed Tituba, proclaiming that she was a witch and a devil worshipper (12) and that she conjured spirits (16) in order to avoid being accused of practicing witchcraft., Elizabeth seems to think the reason is that he has feelings still for Abigail, but that is unlikely. What he means is that he has done way too many bad things and cannot come back from it. I saw Sarah Good with the devil!" Speaker: Abigail to Hale. Abigail is revealed as strong-willed and independent. One's reputation plays a big role in the story and affects many of the characters in the play. Here are all your familiar spirits - your incubi and succubi; your witches that go by land, by air, and by sea; your wizards of the night and of the day. Throughout the play , For example, when Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the forest, he hastily warns Abigail that his reputation is in jeopardy by conveying, Now look you, child, your punishment will come in its time. One can have either a respected or shriveled reputation. Fear and hysteria strike Salem over the belief that the devil is in the town because Parriss niece, Abigail Williams, was found dancing in the forest with other girls and Parriss servant; and soon after two young girls fall sick. " There are very . John, at first, is very reluctant to tell everyone the truth about why Abigail and other young girls are accusing his wife and other older women of being witches because he fears it will ruin his good name and reputation. Antigone is not afraid of Creon because she recognizes that Creons order is coming from his disillusionment of the power he holds. Whereas if you tell him the truth, Proctor may shame you but he will find you truthful rather than someone who does the Devils, Tituba- Rev. How may I live without my name? John Proctors exclaims That he cries of his whole soul But he is willing to confess to a few officials, but he is not willing to append his name publicly to this false confession. This is explored through themes of hysteria, reputation and guilt. Miller uses the theme of reputation to show that people will make great sacrifices to shape other's perception of them. This message is evident many times throughout the play, additionally once people are being named for witchcraft. The ability for one to achieve redemption depends entirely upon the sins committed. As The Crucible continues on readers see how the characters change as well as how their actions changes the story. During the Middle Ages, witches were considered evil, making pacts and connections with the Devil. The major fear that townspeople of Salem have is losing their reputation, since rumors circulate very quickly in such town. In the Readings on The Crucible, Thomas Siebold states, -he sacrifices himself in order to save others and to stage a protest against his persecutors., FIND QUOTE ABOUT THIS When John Proctor confesses to his affair with Abigail, his refusal for the written confession puts Danforths reputation in jeopardy. Behold where stands Th usurpers cursed head(5.8,65-66) Macbeth meets his fated end by the hands of Macduff due to his overconfidence from the prophecy the witches told him. Because he is respected solely for his strong belief in the religion he cannot afford to lose his reputation. Two of the main characters especially concerned with the betrayal of their reputations are Abigail and John. 4.8. The witches have full responsibility for Macbeth's downfall. Mrs. Putnams Believes there are witches because she knows that Tituba does rituals, Meanwhile apprehension grips Parriss mind that it also compels him arbitrarily to allege many townspeople. Reputation influences and motivates many of the characters in The Crucible whether it be bad or good. The Theme Of Reputation In The Crucible. These fears were used as a bludgeon in Arthur Millers play The Crucible. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Abigail wanted to protect her reputation and Integrity so, she went around Salem and accused others of being involved with witchcrafts. Proctor was willing to sacrifice his life, in order to save the Proctor name for his sons in the generation to come. Because of the theocratic nature of the society, moral laws and state laws are one and the same: sin and the status of an individual . Proctor wanting to be honest in himself and his wish to preserve his family tears proctor into two. At the end of the day, he wants to die for something he believes in. In this play, many people are accused of being a witch based off of false evidence. "I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff-nerved people to me" "Speak nothing of unnatural causes" "There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning" "My enemies will, and they will ruin me with it" "You cannot hang his sort. The effects of that today would earn, The Importance of Reputation in The Crucible "(Miller 4.725-729.207). This causes him to seek good favor from . Not only is Proctors own integrity important to him, but also the image created in anothers mind when hearing of a Proctor has an enormous influence on his final decision to not confess to witchcraft in the final trial. These lies ultimately destroy the community of Salem. Meanwhile Lady Macbeth hates seeing her husband plummeting in troubles. Mrs. Ann Putnam. Danforth and Proctor differ from each other because Proctor wants to change and Danforth, He tries to protect the people by manipulating to sign the paper, which demonstrates for their innocent sins. However, Danforth says he cannot tell them anything without a written statement on why you did., This delays their reconciliation until they could both acknowledge their own sins to each other. "I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint". Reverend Parris only considers the consequences on his name, nevertheless the health of his own child. He does not say any names because he doesn't want people going after him so he says no names to take all the pressure off of him. The purpose of writing with this theme is to emphasize that . His immense pride and fear of public opinion compelled him to withhold his adultery from the court, but by the end of the play he is more concerned with his personal integrity than his public reputation. 100. John Proctor and Parris both were very concerned that their reputation was at stake in many different instances in this play The Crucible. Abigail drives the whole horrific incidences forward just so she can win back Proctor, or, possibly get back at him for brushing her off after sleeping with her. He does this in hopes of informing the world that in times of hysteria, reputation means nothing. Nothing is more unimaginable than having to lose an influential position. Reverend Samuel Parris, before the Salem witch trials started, had the power to prevent the trials from happening, set things straight. In rigid communities like Salem, a bad reputation can . answer. From Macbeth as a character, we know that Shakespeare intended to show that too much ambition is bad. Have no fear now - we shall find him out if he has come among us, and I mean to crush him . Though actions are often motivated by fear and desires for power and revenge, they are also propped up by underlying worries about how a loss of reputation will negatively affect characters lives. On the other hand, Antigone knows that the gods are not prideful. Open Document. In Arthur Millers dramatic play The Crucible, the notable writer successfully argues that the people in Salem rely too much on their reputation by creating a connection to the audience in order to convey the message. In Act 4, Proctor was almost forced into signing a false confession, which he refused to do because he had more respect for himself than to admit to something he didnt do, especially for the scheming girls that claim to have held truth in the town of. This lesson will provide a general overview of that role and also give some specific examples from the play. Is there a limit to safe downhill speed on a bike, Compatibility for a new cassette and chain. John Proctor shows he cares about his reputation throughout The Crucible. You surely know that (110). Reverend Parris is the first character that we are introduced to, who is mostly interested in gaining the reputation. Even though the theme of reputation and power of lies plays a role in the story, it does not have . 506 Words. Arthur Miller emphasizes this theme through the careful examination of certain respected characters such as John Proctor, Reverend Parris, and others, particularly by analyzing their individual motives and distinct aspects of their character. They start to accusing other people just to find their way out of trouble and to keep their reputation clean.
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